There's no excuse for this Vol. Carrying your girls purse

Apr 25, 2004

A friend and i saw this while walking through the mall this weekend and i had to document this. I doubt he's gay, because they're clearly holding handsand they kissed.
I don't think this is sweet or cute at all and i really don't understand this, NT. Not even if both my arms were broken would i let my man carry mypurse for me.
i don't think its that serious...long as he's not beggin to carry it its fine...maybe he was already holding it and they just started walking...
seen this alot over the last week in NYC ........ thought it was the new level of manliness
Originally Posted by Rawk On

Not even if both my arms were broken would i let my man carry my purse for me.

If both of your arms were broken you would have bigger problems to think about, like who's gonna wipe your *#!.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't think its that serious...long as he's not beggin to carry it its fine...maybe he was already holding it and they just started walking...

Some of you dudes let your testosterone get the best of you.

If they are in a committed relationship, what does it matter if he carries her purse.

I know you aren't a man, OP, but still.
The other day I saw a kid training for the future
His mom was making him carry her purse and shopping bags
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