I come here in peace btw, but it's crazy to me that there are trades that Miami would never have accepted for wade or bosh in the beginning of the season that the other team would not accept now.

It seems like lebron is the only one playing with a sense of urgency because he wants to go down with Bird, Magic, MJ, etc IMO. The other guys seem like they'll be content with their careers if they retire with 2 rings, which to me is why wade seems so disinterested.

I'm sure wade isn't physically 100% and wouldn't be surprised if he had surgery after the season ends on Monday, but it seems he's lost his passion for the game and is fine just enjoying Miami living while dressing like the worlds most expensive clown.

It's also funny how that summer the big 3 assembled everyone said wade and lebron wouldn't work because they both need the ball and have inconsistent jumpers. But they overcame that by both being hawks defensively and the signature 2 man fast break to make up for their half-court struggles. Wade's apparent decline (which could be a treatable injury) has taken both of those things away and is making this look like Cleveland all over again if the other 11 keep missing the looks Bron can get them.
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ive said it 3 times, ill say it a 4th...eric spoelstra cant coach. but hes not to BLAME. wade is lookin like he needs to sit...for awhile. neither wade nor bosh have confidence in their game. but wade is shooting with no confidence. bosh isnt even shooting. theyre acting like placeholders. wade is so scared you can see it in his body language. he pump fakes like hes playing 2k, but unlike the rest of his career...nobody is scared of his midrange shot anymore. so all he accomplishes with a pump fake is losing his dribble. he needs to just go to a gym and put in some damn work. shoot till exhaustion. us regular dudes can do it. u making more than 15 mil a year get to that damn court and live up to your own name.

bosh needs to take a page out of his own book last year and become the x factor. ray allen should be stripped of his jesus shuttlesworth title. when he played AGAINST the heat, he wouldnt be caught dead with just 1 3pter in a game. Now, we're lucky if we get 1 a game. Battier is off, sorta. To me, battier was never a GREAT shooter. he had a long streak where he was good from the corner. but if yall noticed when he missed...he MISSED. i mean, off the side of the backboard, top of the backboard, complete airballs etc etc. those are signs of someone who isnt really a shooter. so seeing him off imo is just saying he finally went back to normal.

anthony did what anthony hard. hes undersized and we all know it. but he plays HUGE. spoelstra cant coach tho so only in situations like today's will we see him touch the floor. whatever, screw it. game 7. if wade doesnt get it together, im honestly gonna have to stop calling him my favorite player. hes just been on a decline for years now. its embarrassing.
Maybe if you would have read the whole damn thing, you would see that I said BOSH AND WADE were at fault as well... :stoneface:

Fast forward to 2:20

So what you're saying is that the loss is all Spolstra's fault, but it also Wade and Bosh fault. Yea that makes perfect sense. :x

Instead of :stoneface: 'ing me for not "reading" your post. Let us move on and start the healing process after this wack game. We all had a loooong night. 8)

At the end of the day we both agree that the Heat played like crap and everyone was to blame. :lol:
That was a tough game to watch :smh:...its really difficult watching Wade playing right now. He's always been one of my favorite players in the L since he came in but he just looks disinterested when he's on the floor :smh: if the reason for his poor play is because his knee is that bad then he shouldn't be playing period. Regular season Wade played with a lot more energy and confidence, but playoff Wade is playing like he could care less. His body language, demeanor and focus is terrible :x

I still believe the Heat will win game 7 but if they don't its gonna be a LONG off season for us Heat fans...

I knew it was coming lol
I wish Wade would say how injured he really is because he's clearly hurting the team with his turnovers and bad shooting. It shouldn't take Spo till game six to realize Mike Miller needs some of if not more then half of Wades minutes. Bosh's best work comes when he gets the ball on the base line, he hits u with the pump fake and drives past you. Plus it's a higher percentage shot when u shot from a side angle.

If Spo still sticks with Wade in game 7 he's clearly looking to get himself fired if we don't win this series. Mike Miller is more then capable to keep the pressure on Indiana game 7, plus Indiana hasn't seen his game all series. He's the 4 highest paid player on the team behind the big 3 so play the man!!!
Tough loss indeed ... easily the poorest we've played the entire playoffs this year ..... Having said that, we adjust and prepare for game 7!
Did I over react last night saying I was done with Wade? Of cource. He is playing HORRIBLE but will always be one of my fav Heat players of all time (up there with Zo & Timmy)

Spo needs to know if Wade's gonna hurt the team he needs to be on the bench. Especially if he's too injured to play.

Bosh is really not to blame because this is NOT a good match up for Bosh whatsoever.

Those who follow me on twitter know the thing I hate the most is missed FTs. This team needs to be in the gym the whole day working on those FTs (like my HS coach use to make us do). It even rubbing off on Ray Freaking Allen :smh:
We need ball movement.

Easier to stop a stagbant offense reliant on a James pick and roll and the rest just standing
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Offense was much better when Chalmers/Wade play consistently, allowing Bron to be the screener. Bosh has to demand more touches.
Yeah man. Something has to be done with Wade and Bosh. Create a game plan thst gets them involved. Last year this series took a turn when Wade was put in a good spot for him to score and LeBron would get it to him for the easy deuce. And when Wade is in rhythm he hits it all. Fadeaways, floaters, crazy layups. But he is a rhythm player and always has been.
Re-watching the first two games on NBA TV and our offense looked so much more fluid and active.
More people were moving off the ball, and much more ball movement. It didn't look all stagnant like it does now where 3 people are inactive and just watching.

Another thing.. there was a critical PG and-1 where he traveled and they counted the basket lol. And that 8 second violation BS where the clock has to be at 15 and not 16 is dumb.
Lowkey scared for Game 7.

I know we could pretty easily win this game like we did in GM 3 but something tells me somebody is not going to show up again.

If we lose I expect Spo to be fired, Bosh traded and Wade to be a 3rd option depending on who we get for Bosh.

Since the summer of 2010 I knew we shouldve gotten Amare :smh:
spoelstra isnt getting fired. remember, riley hand picked him and stuck by him thus far thick n thin. bosh aint gettin traded nor wade. now the rest of the team...who knows.
I remember people saying to amnesty Mike Miller lol. But i kinda like him. But we definitely need to make some improvements in the front court.
The reality is bosh and wade both have low trade value as well because if they get traded to a team that isn't a contender they're likely to opt out the next year. Unless their performance isn't max worthy in which they can pick up their option and be underperforming eating 20mil of cap space.

The heat wouldn't get fair trade value for all-stars so they're in a situation where they'd have to hope these dudes get it together so that it doesn't become Cleveland 2.0 and Bron leaves.

All this talk could go out the window if these dudes regain their old form. Bosh is actually a good shooter so I'd expect him to find his touch again, but that's only if the heat get to play another series for him to find it. Wades J is just broke though and if he doesn't get his bounce back by next seasons deadline Riley will get rid of him to keep Bron in south beach.
Heat taking it tonight, nobody wants to see a spurs/pacers finals. Stern and co. will make it happen.

Also Lebron's 'redemption' against the spurs, is a perfect storyline.
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Good afternoon gentlemen! ..... We all have legitimate concerns but we must remember to never waver in faith! No need to. We've proven that we are in fact the Best team in the NBA and it will take a near flawless performance by another team to derail that. If it happens to be Indy, then so beit but as it stands we remain unwavered and we will perform well in Game 7 tonight!
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