MOTHER @@$%#+# HASLEM!!!! was he the difference maker.... good game yall.... sunday? i got the day off....
Originally Posted by irishbaz

Originally Posted by durantula

^ They just have to keep Chi out of the paint, IMO they should play haslem much more,his offense would be nonexistent and hed prolly hurt them more then help on everything but the boards, But they cant let chi get 2nd and 3rd chance oppurtunites if they want to win this game.

Hes only back from injury but yeah he was one of those key players that made teams play honest D.

I hate miami but prediction being spot on= FEELS GOOD MAN
Great win, UD serving up some facials and was a major contributor. Wade and Bron also did their things
Back to Miami
good game Heat fans...I hope the rest of the series will be good ones like this (with us prevailing ofcourse
Good win Heat fans .... Haslem came to play today !!!!

Bron closing it out .. Feels good man

but my gosh Chicago ain't no joke on defense man

lets get back at it on Sunday !!! smh I work
Great WIN for the HEAT! Haters are suddenly QUIET... Oh well. That usually happens when the HEAT WIN! Oh and BRON,WADE and of course HASLEM played great! GO HEAT!!!
YoungTriz wrote:
bdis... you always working man.... sunday is way too long.. at least i can watch some espn now...


I avoided ESPN until today ...

and yeah man got bills to pay ...

do you even get days off or just hours?... i gotta get back to work now..
i got here at 6 and didnt do %%#! yet
 Fridays I got off ..Mondays ever other week .... we never play on those days ..

who you telling I didn't do +*$! from from 8 -11
Props to UD. Helleva game last night.

Mike Miller quietly had a decent game too. Had some nice hustle plays and a putback, too bad he can't get his jumper going.
Let me start off by saying this, i'm a fan of both teams. I'm really glad Miami won last night because the officiating was crazy lopsided in favor of Chicago. I love DRose, but damn any time Rose drove to the rim he got the whistle. Just frustrating to watch as a fan.

I'm sure when they play in South Beach it will be the opposite. Last night was over the top tho.
[h2]Barkley and Wade not getting along right now[/h2]
Posted on: May 19, 2011 12:13 pm

Posted by Royce Young

By all appearances, Dwyane Wade and Charles Barkley are friends. I say that mainly because they do commercials together, so I may be wrong, but I doubt it. 

Anyway, after the Heat's big Game 2 win, evidently Barkley and Wade had a moment of not getting along. Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo! Sports tweeted that Wade told Barkley, "I'm not talking to you right now man" and Barkley responded, "What I do this time?" Dwyer assumed they were joking, but that doesn't appear so. 

Via the Miami Herald, Barkley upset Wade with some comments he made on Chicago radio this week. 
TNT analyst and Basketball Hall of Famer Charles Barkley caused a stir Tuesday when he referred to the Heat as a “whiny bunch
solesavage wrote:
Let me start off by saying this, i'm a fan of both teams. I'm really glad Miami won last night because the officiating was crazy lopsided in favor of Chicago. I love DRose, but damn any time Rose drove to the rim he got the whistle. Just frustrating to watch as a fan.

I'm sure when they play in South Beach it will be the opposite. Last night was over the top tho.
I thought the samething also especially in the the 1st quater and 2nd half. Chicago had about 10 or more FT's in the 1st qt alone.

I want to think optimistic so badly thinking come game 5 the Heat should be up 3-1 but i don't want to jinx myself. But your right things are looking up for Miami considering we have the next 2 at home after splitting games 1 and 2 in Chicago. 

The only defense for Chicago is contain DRose and box out... 

Happy UD day fellas. 

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