The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

This submission 
I don't understand how the big wigs that run the happenings on the main roster can sit and look at THIS product and not see WRESTLING is what is needed to make a good product.
I don't understand how the big wigs that run the happenings on the main roster can sit and look at THIS product and not see WRESTLING is what is needed to make a good product.

This is all shovels making. Maybe what we will expect once he takes over the wwe once vinny passes
Awesome match man. Some good spots as well. 

Thoughts on Neville:

-Dude has it all when it comes to the ring. Extremely athletic. Can fly, got good ground game

-At certain points, he did look winded and it did effect his selling. Some of his selling was obvious but thats just me nitpicking. Easy fix

-Very impressed at his explosiveness as well. Dude literally comes out of  nowhere with this stuff.
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