The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

al snows career in the wwe 
 ,great wrestler tho man.
al snows career in the wwe :smh:  ,great wrestler tho man.

I was actually into Snow's heel turn back in late 99 (or early 2000?). They gave him this awesome new theme that I wish was used today. He even got a win over The Rock :lol:. They cut that off fast though and started teaming with Steve Blackman, but that provided lulz every night
-Mankind wearing a mask/suit was the best thing about the main roster. He actually looked kind of clean/kept up.

-Looked at GIllberg's Wiki. Didn't know he was from around Baltimore. Also, I see that he had a wrestling school and somebody died there. -

-LOL @ The fake Mankind/Goldust/Kane in the crowd. Anybody remember when the Mexican Minis were brought in and were given those gimmicks?

-I swear I get Debra and Sable confused sometime. #Racist

-Snow vs. JJ: Al Snow got some height on that attempted Leg Drop. Dumb finish, match should have been solid with two solid dudes but they make give them a cornball finish.

-Bossman vs. Stone Cold: Anyone notice how similar Big Bossman and Stone Cold's music were? LOL @ Bossman banging the nightstick on the announce table at the end.

-X-Pac vs. Regal: LOL @ King singing with the theme song. Funny how X-Pac's ring gear never really changed over the years. Just different colors. Lightning, 1-2-3, Syxx, X-Pac. Never really changed. Always loved his rebound ground leg drop. So quick. Also funny how Regal clearly has his regular ring gear under that lumberjack stuff. That "countout" seemed to be quick as hell. Any back info on that X-Pac situation? Why did he just walk out like that?

-Rock/HHH: Brisco's "Mr. MACK-man" was so damn funny. Forgot abot those. The hell was Bossman posing about after the end of the match. My man Bossman was heated after that roll-up. Hahaha

Goldust/Shamrock: Goldusht without his current facepaint seemed so long ago man. Shamrock gave Goldust an "Aksana Knee" wonder if it did any damage. Crowd was dead for this one for the most part. That Shamrockacanrana looked like something Cena would do.

Kane/Undertaker: Yea this undertaker theme was nice. Taker's entrance gear was on point too. So hold on, Kane's music never changed? Not even a slight remix? Jim Ross was really telling the story of Kane's life. And this was a year after he debuted. But today, we can't even find out the original of Leon Rose, Paige, or Emma from the announce team. Quick match here.

Snow/Mankind: Cool to see Al Snow hit a sit-out spinebuster. LOL @ Mankind punching Head. Best two things of this PPV

Rock/Shamrock: Clearly they were outside for more than 20 seconds. No countout. Now that was a pretty dropkick and huricanrana showed by Shamrock during this match. Damn the People's Elbow had those fans going crazy. Funny it got a two count and JR said, "I don't know if I like that call." Nice way to legitimize the sport JR. Rock with the nice interception of the nightstick. Those were some nice reflexes. Best match so far but that isn't saying much at all.

Jackie/Sable: Must have been hard for a worker like Jackie to have to entertain Sable. Funny Shane is the ref. Jackie had some arms man. Yall said the ******* were fake right? I know she overdid the damn weave. That TKO was terrible man. Sable = Eva Marie Sr. But we are supposed to believe this woman can powerbomb Jonny B. Bad. Yea sure. Hahahah, just notice Jackie had Sable's hair stitched into her own hair. That is funny/cool. So unbelievable man. She didn't need the belt to be over. Disrespectful to the sport.

Stone Cold/Makind: Shane with the beautiful John Cena style slide into the ring to make the save. Mankind stunner sells are so stiff and heavy. Brisco's chairshot was weak as hell and he gets pinned from that? Seriously?
DC, what you think about that first match. I thought it was golden. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Mick hanging over the bottom rope to try and peak over Vince's shoulder to look at the card to see who his opponent is. Him whispering to boss man to try and see who it was. Gilberg being the coach of the Pasadena chargers. The Dubya C Dubya :rofl:
Matches for tonight

Adam Rose vs. Camacho

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Ascension (c) vs. Kalisto & El Local

No. 1 Contender's Match: Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn

NXT Women's Championship Match: Charlotte vs. Natalya

NXT Championship Match: Adrian Neville (c) vs. Tyson Kidd
DC, what you think about that first match. I thought it was golden. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Mick hanging over the bottom rope to try and peak over Vince's shoulder to look at the card to see who his opponent is. Him whispering to boss man to try and see who it was. Gilberg being the coach of the Pasadena chargers. The Dubya C Dubya :rofl:
I will be honest. I struggle to watch WWF ppv's man. I don't know what it is but I struggle. Might be the bright lighting. The white canvas. I don't know man.
Matches for tonight
Adam Rose vs. Camacho
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Ascension (c) vs. Kalisto & El Local
No. 1 Contender's Match: Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn
NXT Women's Championship Match: Charlotte vs. Natalya
NXT Championship Match: Adrian Neville (c) vs. Tyson Kidd
Other than the Leon Rose match, those are some good matches on paper.
Not feeling Zayne's new theme song, but maybe I'll just have to see it in action.

Breeze's new one though. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
They need to put more Raws on there to watch. Last I checked they got up to August 94 and then a few scattered Raws from random years.
This gimmick works well with the small NXT crowd but not with the large crowds.

I love regal on commentary and him actually calling the moves.
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