The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt ===== In Stores Now (PS4, PC, XB1)

Have any of you failed any missions yet?

The only one I've failed thus far is the Fake Papers quest. I'm pretty sure I saved the brother in law from the 3 waves of enemies, but when I went back to the guy to get the pass at a discounted price, there was no option for that; only to buy the pass at full price, get it at half price by using Axii or tell him his brother in law was dead. It appears that this is one of the most commonly failed missions due to the brother in law dying so easily.

I feel like I'm OCD about failing missions, but I guess with this type of game, you just have to move on.

Ive failed a couple missions. Same as most of you, the Brother didn't survive the fight in the field

The other mission i failed was a random encounter in Novigrad. I came across a sketchy rich dude near the docks who wanted me to escort him through the slums. Along the way, a series of bandits come to attack. The bandits themselves aren't difficult, but just like the Brother, the Rich Guy goes down so easy. I restarted the mission a bunch of times with no success.

Eventually I decided to try to just leave the area, and return when I was stronger. At the time I was probably around Level 12, which was listed as an appropriate level. But once I strayed to far, it said the guy died and I failed the mission.
No idea what I missed out on
man how do you defeat this wearwolf in the forest that you are trying to figure out what killing the citizens. Its near this big talking tree.
I beat him at level 4. Use curse oil and use your swallow (pause) potion along with all the other ones you can craft thunderbolt etc. Also use the flash explosive. What I thought was cool was I meditated until 11 pm and walked into the cave and as I walked in there I didn't see the wolf, but I see several fast moving targets on my map coming from the entrance and I turn around and sure enough its the werewolf and his pack. So if you enter its lair early and wait in there, you can see when they enter in there.
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How big is this compared to Skyrim? Copping tomorrow

Game length is huge. Story content is supposed to exceed 200+ hours
Geography is huge also, but Im not sure which is technically bigger, though I would guess Witcher is bigger. However, as a huge Skyrim fan, I will say that you will not be disappointed at all with Witcher 3

In my opinion, Witcher 3 doesn't have quite the same reward as Skyrim for wandering around and finding your own adventures. In particular, because the XP in Witcher is so closely tied to completing missions, I didn't feel the same desire to just randomly explore. With that said, the side missions and monster contracts in Witcher are 100x more interesting and rewarding then the side missions in Skyrim. So your definitely rewarded for finding other things to accomplish
My **** says I'm at 10 days playtime :lol:

I leave my Xbox on instant on mode so it's all messed idea what my actual playtime is.
I love the game...but I'm reaching my patience limit with the Ciri-Dandelion-Triss-Dudu-Djikstra-Whoreson Junior series of quests in Novigrad.  I mean, this one quest string has to be at least 12 hours long.

It gets so convoluted, that sometimes I seriously have to ask....wait, why am I doing this?
For PS4 and PC.

Xbox 1 taking that L.
Back to the Witcher finally! Can't wait to put some hours in and actually receive XP, I'm like 20 hours in and only level 6 lmao :smh:
For PS4 and PC. :pimp:

Xbox 1 taking that L.

Forreal? The comic bundle I ordered from amazon arrives tomorrow. Will be playing it asap on xb1. Still waiting to receive my hdmi cables though. Amazon seemed slower than usual shipping my stuff.
It's probably because each of the 3 platforms have their own specific bugs that need to be addressed
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