The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

everytime i see stuff like this it absolutely blows my mind... the earth is less than a grain of sand in comparison to everything in space
That's crazy. The other galaxies has to have lifeforms on it. May not be super advanced ones that can fly spacecrafts to other worlds but ones just like usthinking bout the same thing.
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

I love seeing stuff like this.

no way we're alone
Originally Posted by JStunn197

Everytime I see it it's still awesome
I think I see what you did there with the emoticon...

There was a GIF a month or two ago, it was like 3-4 minutes.
Wait sooo...the second to last image is depicting what happened millions of years ago because it takes billions of years for light to reach earth?
I never get bored seeing things like this..there could be at least 1,000 planets that has the same conditions as earth, thus having living organisms
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.
As apposed to someone believing this !@#$ just appeared after a bang.
Not mutually exclusive. What if God created all of the ingredients for everything and fit it into the Big Bang singularity? Yeah, what a hilariouschump. I mean, it's possible, no?
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.

Problem is which one. What if the "Correct" God or religion is over in one of those other galaxies.
Im positive out of all the religions from EVERYWHERE. Jesus aint the one
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.
As apposed to someone believing this !@#$ just appeared after a bang.
Not mutually exclusive. What if God created all of the ingredients for everything and fit it into the Big Bang singularity? Yeah, what a hilarious chump. I mean, it's possible, no?
I'll agree with that. But, if someone doesn't believe in God and says all this appeared after a Big Bang, that theory would just be as farfetched as me believing in God. Both are laughable in respectable point of views.

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.

Problem is which one. What if the "Correct" God or religion is over in one of those other galaxies.
Im positive out of all the religions from EVERYWHERE. Jesus aint the one

Who said anything about Jesus?

I said believing in God. In my faith, there's God, then Jesus.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by JStunn197

Everytime I see it it's still awesome
I think I see what you did there with the emoticon...

There was a GIF a month or two ago, it was like 3-4 minutes.
think I still have that gif. Thing never stopped. It kept going and going and when you thought it was over, it kept going some more
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