the thread about nothing...

the hell is wrong w/ Wiz...

KushXOrangeJuice Wiz >>>>>>> anything he did afterwards.

got a question, doe...

what are those things called, that hang over the doorway, and drape all the way down to the floor?

its like, a bunch of long strings, with beads on them, like a fake door...

first thing comes to mind when i think of them are Rastas and stoners...

:nerd: :nerd:
the hell is wrong w/ Wiz...

KushXOrangeJuice Wiz >>>>>>> anything he did afterwards.

got a question, doe...

what are those things called, that hang over the doorway, and drape all the way down to the floor?

its like, a bunch of long strings, with beads on them, like a fake door...

first thing comes to mind when i think of them are Rastas and stoners...

Beaded door curtains. They always provide good times :lol:
I was going to start a thread on this but i will just post my thoughts here.
Can someone explain to me how people get so worked up over politics?
No matter who gets elected president, no matter what they say they will do, it is not going to get through the house and senate for the most part and if it ever does it will be littered with other clauses for personal interest of certain people.
How can people be mad at obama for not changing enough when everything he proposed get shot down immediately?
Also what changes in your personal life when a new president is elected. Honestly? Your property taxes on certain assets? I understand two platforms and that's it....Rich people angry their taxes will increase (which i am not in the $200k+ tax bracket so I don't care if you have to pay more taxes) and WAR. If you want troops home then vote for the president that says he will get troops home (again....says they will but its easier said then done).
I just don't get how people get so angry at me because i NEVER vote. I am not even a registered voter. Had a guy yesterday talk to me for 30 mins about why i should vote for Romney. But honestly my life will change by 0% no matter what happens. Romney will save the economy and get everyone jobs and make america AMERICA again....uh if you honestly think that some one can come in and BAM no recession then you should take more economic theory classes. It just seems that people get so adamant and angry about a topic that they have such little influence on. Go cast your 1 vote....go your part and then let the electoral college pick the president....good thing you voted....way to go.

Some people will wonder how you or others get so worked up over Sports. I hear you though, being so passionate about something such as political issues when the only way you can really change anything is by running for office yourself.....and even then the system is already in place to mold/shape what you can/can't do. Enhhhh
Think I may have a std, I got tested and was sent the letter saying come back for further testing and my results cannot be disclosed over the phone, I'm scared to death right now.... I have had sex with too many different woman the past 3 months to know who could have given it to me....
Think I may have a std, I got tested and was sent the letter saying come back for further testing and my results cannot be disclosed over the phone, I'm scared to death right now.... I have had sex with too many different woman the past 3 months to know who could have given it to me....
Son, please tell me you were strapped up
Think I may have a std, I got tested and was sent the letter saying come back for further testing and my results cannot be disclosed over the phone, I'm scared to death right now.... I have had sex with too many different woman the past 3 months to know who could have given it to me....

RIP holmes. If you wear a size 12-13 feel free to pass that collection along :nerd:
Anybody follow itsrealTED on twitter? Dude is hilarious!

@itsrealTED R.I.P. to the h___ dying for attention.

I been peeing out of my butt for the last 30 mins.

And I feel you about that STD life. I creampied this hood shorty (bangin body, she was tiny too...4'9, 94 lbs) and I'm not too sure about how I feel about such things
Chick gave me the wrong number on pof last night... Dude was like "u got jipped u prolly a ugly *** *****"

Shorty mad a mistake tho and hit me up...
Go roll up homie. Get your mind off it for a minute. Hopefully it's not a STD. It could be something else they found that can maybe he helped or cured. I'll keep you in my thoughts fam.
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