the thread about nothing...

Thanks I'm fearing the worse because this test was about 2weeks ago and I'm feeling no symptoms of a std....
Thanks I'm fearing the worse because this test was about 2weeks ago and I'm feeling no symptoms of a std....

might be HPV. Doesnt show symptoms in men, but its very dangerous to women. If you find out thats what it is, you NEEEEEED to let shorty know, bc it can be deadly
Prolly got a case of the drip drops.
Youll be aite homeslice.............hopefully.
Let this be a lesson to you all
Prolly got a case of the drip drops.
Youll be aite homeslice.............hopefully.
Let this be a lesson to you all
is it possible to have that without symptoms?

Nevermind, read it's possible

I had one scare in my life amnd that was enough for me to never slip up again
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y'all doing nothing to help my fear, I might off myself if I got the monster
Ah, one of those ...its probably the clap or gonorrhea, just hope it's not the antibiotic resistant strain that's been going around 
 juggernaut of sti's. You think you're cured and in two weeks your joint start dripping again. Gotta get hit with that humongous needle of that good medicine 
 that gets DEEP in your buttocks cheeks.
People will go to and through extreme lengths to punish themselves for their past behaviors and/or try in desperation to prove to themselves they are something they are not. Little do they know how much they are hurting not only themselves but those who care for them, even if those who care for them are driving them in this direction.

Please stay true to you.
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Thinking about grabbing up some of this scholarship money for African American male educators. Going into debt for my phd just isn't feasible right now. Hopefully I can find some funding secondary teaching, I absolutely do not have the patience for small children especially in the communities they'd try to place me in :x
Thinking about grabbing up some of this scholarship money for African American male educators. Going into debt for my phd just isn't feasible right now. Hopefully I can find some funding secondary teaching, I absolutely do not have the patience for small children especially in the communities they'd try to place me in :x

I'm picking up where I left off a few years on my teaching degree, I really want to teach in the prison system. Anyways, can you PM me some info about this?
What do you guys think of my Gundam collection?

Just started getting into it recently because I needed something to do at home on my days off. Real good time killers (and wallet burners because some of them aren't cheap... :x ) The one to the left of Epyon took me a good while, too.
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