the thread about nothing...


and dude doing the split!!! 
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Man that joker gif is one of my personal favorites. I'm not even sure it was here before I used it. All I know is there were times where I wanted to do that motion in real life 
Beh, you finna go to this freddie jackson concert next weekend. Me you your old lady and some young thang I'm workin on? :nerd:
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"What have two thumbs and make a lot of money?"

Those little strawberita drinks have more alcohol than a bottle of bud?!....That's crazy to me.

I hate tax season. 

I NEED the Broncos to win. 

I want to take Monday off, but I need to get a report done by Wednesday.

I am about 5 hours from a medium well porterhouse, a few glasses of macallan 12 yr and a few buds.

Hope ya'll weekend is as good as I imagine mine will be.
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