the thread about nothing...

2 minutes.


I'm seriously considering not going to work today....but I'd get fired since I'm still on my 90 days.

But man, **** this job.

For such a large company it sucks working for them.

That Conn's payment was my last one, so I have no more bills besides my re-occurring ones, cars paid off, insurance is really nothing, I can live off 2 more checks and income tax for a while until I get a new job, but that's not a good look :lol:
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Anybody here do any side work? If so, what do you do?

I'm thinking about part time bar tending, I'm an engineer during the day but could use a few extra bucks
Mac I was in a very similar situation with my girl last year. It was SO annoying but we got through it and became stronger than ever. Having space doesn't mean anything bad has to happen. It can just be her needing to find herself or whatever weird stuff girls do.

I understand if she claims she needs space. But I rather hear it outright instead of me having to get her to say it. All week she could have just said it instead of giving me un-enthused answers (text and on the phone), and dancing around making plans to see each other. I'll let her do her, nothing else can be done on my end.

I was dating a girl and she was feeding me the same bs

I cut things off

Three years later she is telling people she regrets that move and wants me back

Do urself a favor and get away from that

Best thing I ever did

We'll see what happens on this "space" time.

Enough sappy posts in TAN though. Don't wanna bring down morale :lol: ,
different schedules just make this so much more difficult.

dudes talking about going to school on a sunday night >D
different schedules just make this so much more difficult.

dudes talking about going to school on a sunday night >D

Last group i worked with pulled that stunt...lets meet on a Sunday... :smh:

last team project i had, 2 guys stopped answering to emails and going to class :stoneface:

we had to do a 4 people project at 2.

At least the other guy was serious.
If my drug test comes back clean

I got the job
Congrats my man 

It's a little early, but @beh235, the gif, do It.
Which one? 
Should of had the bowl movement before coming to work.
One time i went to take a mornin dump at work and the janitor told me to take em at home instead
You stink b 
i hate school team projects
i hate school team projects
I work better independently.

Group projects/work just reminds me how much I hate people
I get mad when people don't work at my pace 
. I've barked on so many people.
Was told this morning HR would be contacting me soon. Would be so dope to come back from vacation to a new job.
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