the thread about nothing...

Jada Steven's booty is lovely...that is all

Just got an email from Hyundai about a job opening and they got my resume from our schools site....only thing is that it's in Montgomery.
I've never been to a city that I hate more than Montgomery, AL.

Should I respond and tell them thanks but no thanks, or just not even respond at all
Just got an email from Hyundai about a job opening and they got my resume from our schools site....only thing is that it's in Montgomery.
I've never been to a city that I hate more than Montgomery, AL.
Should I respond and tell them thanks but no thanks, or just not even respond at all

You can always count on dipsetgeneral to say the absolute
dumbest hsit on here. I mean literally every reply deserves a
jaguars fan gif :lol:
Rewat hed the dark knight randomly twice this week. Might be my favorite movie ever. First off, im a reclusive dude myself. Like to keep to myself most of the time and I love the nighttime. The themes of batman ring dear to my heart , the battle against fear, the fight for justice ina seemingly cold world, dedicating life to a higher ideal. Other than my shared values in the character, cinematically it was an experience. Storyline was amazing,cinematography Was breathtaking. A little action, a little romance, but the brilliant acting set it off. Christopher nolan created a world that felt real. Much more than a superhero movie IMO, it was epic. The most likeable character was the villain. Great script filled with insights on good vs evil And the pursuit of your own truth. Gems like : "this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object" and "you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain"

did you walk out sticky? bruh, it was just a movie. people acting like this movie gives the inspiration/motivation to live.....i don't get it.
Any of you guys ever order a refurbished TV from ebay or anywhere else?? :nerd: :nerd: ......I'm trying to upgrade from my 19" I've had since freshman year :lol: and wanted to see if they're legit
Just saw that chick fil a thread.
Now I have confirmation that silly's back.
Their food must be good since their stance on same sex marriage is a big deal.
...? it's a big deal because it's a company that's big enough to know better than to make a controversial stance on ANY ISSUE.

Chickfila's owners are never shy about stuff like. Are't they the only fast food company that closes its stores on Sunday?
Any of you guys ever order a refurbished TV from ebay or anywhere else?? :nerd: :nerd: ......I'm trying to upgrade from my 19" I've had since freshman year :lol: and wanted to see if they're legit

Don't do it, check your local Craigslist, thats how I got my tv paid 200 bucks for a 3 month old 40 inch tv
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