the thread about nothing...

Welp another day done and no phone call
I hate this it seriously drives me up the wall. I'm in the same boat its been a week, I'm about to just pick up the phone and call 
Calling never hurts the hiring process. It's annoying when it's a bad resume/candidate but a good one it makes me happy because they're go getters and show commitment.

Give it ONE more day fellas.
Calling never hurts the hiring process. It's annoying when it's a bad resume/candidate but a good one it makes me happy because they're go getters and show commitment.

Give it ONE more day fellas.
Its through a headhunter Idk if changes your opinion or not. I called Friday and she said she hasn't heard back from the hiring manager yet.
Don't get hung up for sure, stay on the grind. There's no reason to drive yourself crazy. I know, I know it's hard as hell to avoid those feels but it's literally the way to go.
Any good movies that you guys can recommend? New or old, doesn't matter just got to be worth watching.

Already watched Pain and Gain, Wolf on Wallstreet, Lone Survivor, and Lone Ranger
some oldies




Tonight I spun out into a ditch for the first time ever. I wasn't going fast but the ice just made it happen. Luckily everything was ok and I was able to get out on my own but that's a crazy feeling having no control over your car.
damn bruh. be safe out there. good thing nothing happened and it was just a scare.
If it makes you feel better, I have the worst bubble guts ever right now.

So bubbly.
thats what you get for wishing i got bgs a few days back

hope you feel better soon


Damn, I just realized I have an NT denim pic on this board 
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