the thread about nothing...

roads are still covered in snow....still had to come into work today....morning TAN

friend called me last night at 11 crying...she has to go through chemotherapy, long story but she has a clot in her brain and had a stroke and was saying she wish she never woke up after the stroke and hates her life and has no friends. She can't drive since her motor skills aren't all the way there so she feels like a burden on everyone. I seriously don't even consider myself good friends with the girl just more or less acquaintances....i had no clue what to say but i was not ready for any of that
It's my birthday

Happy birthday lil bro

roads are still covered in snow....still had to come into work today....morning TAN

friend called me last night at 11 crying...she has to go through chemotherapy, long story but she has a clot in her brain and had a stroke and was saying she wish she never woke up after the stroke and hates her life and has no friends. She can't drive since her motor skills aren't all the way there so she feels like a burden on everyone. I seriously don't even consider myself good friends with the girl just more or less acquaintances....i had no clue what to say but i was not ready for any of that

Those situations are wild. Especially making that call at 11...that's late for a grown man but when someone like that calls your legit curious why they're calling. How long was the convo and are you going to reach out to her today?

Even if y'all aren't tight like that she obviously saw something in you to hit you up so I would say check on her today.
It's my birthday

Happy birthday lil bro

roads are still covered in snow....still had to come into work today....morning TAN

friend called me last night at 11 crying...she has to go through chemotherapy, long story but she has a clot in her brain and had a stroke and was saying she wish she never woke up after the stroke and hates her life and has no friends. She can't drive since her motor skills aren't all the way there so she feels like a burden on everyone. I seriously don't even consider myself good friends with the girl just more or less acquaintances....i had no clue what to say but i was not ready for any of that

Those situations are wild. Especially making that call at 11...that's late for a grown man but when someone like that calls your legit curious why they're calling. How long was the convo and are you going to reach out to her today?

Even if y'all aren't tight like that she obviously saw something in you to hit you up so I would say check on her today.

The convo was about 20 mins. I probably will at least text her today and just see how she is but telling some one you wish you weren't alive is some heavy stuff. I can tell she needs a friend to talk to but idk if i can really be that person
Yeah basically. Like i will talk to her when i can but she was talking about how she wants some one there with her during the chemo and going to doctors visits and all that. Call it being selfish but i just don't have the time i have enough going on right now and this just came out of left field.

I'm assuming it was just a bad night for her and when i talk to her today she will be ok.
That's my problem. I try so hard to be there for people instead of shunning it off and letting me do me. I end up wasting time more times than not because I get so invested and people change so quick. :smh:

Teach me your selfish ways. :lol:
roads are still covered in snow....still had to come into work today....morning TAN

friend called me last night at 11 crying...she has to go through chemotherapy, long story but she has a clot in her brain and had a stroke and was saying she wish she never woke up after the stroke and hates her life and has no friends. She can't drive since her motor skills aren't all the way there so she feels like a burden on everyone. I seriously don't even consider myself good friends with the girl just more or less acquaintances....i had no clue what to say but i was not ready for any of that
Damn. I see what you're saying about not having time and all and if she asks you to be there just tell her that you can't commit to that sort of time. However, still be an ear. Going through that is a scary process and I can't imagine what it's like to have cancer at a young age. Sometimes being an ear is enough to help the person get through. Does she have any family or anything at all? She does need some sort of support system.
It's my birthday
Happy Birthday to you in the 24th and a half century
That's actually a really good idea i should prob text her friends and see if they have talked to her or just give them a heads up to call her just to say whats up today or something

Since she can't drive her mom basically takes her every where and she lives back at her mom's place now. She had to move home after the stroke. Her best friend just had a kid and her other best friend just got engaged so she was talking about how she feels like she is always bringing them down with her life stories. I really feel bad for her.
@Jking0821  at least she isn't alone. At first it sounded like she didn't have any support at all. Maybe she's overlooking her mom being there, but it's good she has family. Some people going through that aren't even that fortunate. 
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