the thread about nothing...

Got flicked on my way to work tonight. I had a headlight out that I disnt even notice. Rookie mistake on my part.Smh
I Was burning a doob, had to eat it. I got my med car but the law states you can't use in your car, and if you have anything on you it has to be locked in your trunk. 2 Strikes on my part, because I had like 2gs in my work back pack. My **** reeked too. Cops asks me where im heading and states that my cars smells of marijuana, I said im on my way to work.. got flicked like 1/4 mile from my plant. And that I had blazed in my car in my drive way earlier :lol:
he proceeded to search my car. Thankfully, the Officer never found the 2gs in my backpack, but he did find like 13 roaches in my ashtray. So know with those roaches he has more than enough evidence to bring me down. Im thinking to myself, welp, im screwed. This cop's probably just salivating at the idea of busting a med marijuana user. Using while operating his vehicle. Gonna make an example out of me. Thwn send me to my car, abiut 5 mins later cop comes up and says it wasn't enough to charge me, gives me a warning and confiscates my ashtray full of roaches. "Have a nice night at work" he says..
Be safe brah
Got flicked on my way to work tonight. I had a headlight out that I disnt even notice. Rookie mistake on my part.Smh
I Was burning a doob, had to eat it. I got my med car but the law states you can't use in your car, and if you have anything on you it has to be locked in your trunk. 2 Strikes on my part, because I had like 2gs in my work back pack. My **** reeked too. Cops asks me where im heading and states that my cars smells of marijuana, I said im on my way to work.. got flicked like 1/4 mile from my plant. And that I had blazed in my car in my drive way earlier :lol:
he proceeded to search my car. Thankfully, the Officer never found the 2gs in my backpack, but he did find like 13 roaches in my ashtray. So know with those roaches he has more than enough evidence to bring me down. Im thinking to myself, welp, im screwed. This cop's probably just salivating at the idea of busting a med marijuana user. Using while operating his vehicle. Gonna make an example out of me. Thwn send me to my car, abiut 5 mins later cop comes up and says it wasn't enough to charge me, gives me a warning and confiscates my ashtray full of roaches. "Have a nice night at work" he says..
Be safe brah
Cadillac is changing their logo 
I made a thread about this a while back... I cant believe they're ditching the wreath
i know 
had a fun time tonight. girl i brought annoyed me. now i just want her to bring her friends so i can get with em instead. kanye shrug
Just ate a 4 day old hoagie for dinner.

I want to fall asleep by watching the sopranos on my phone, but I usually forget to charge mt phone.

Should i watch the sopranos and risk not charging my phone or watch the sopranos on tv?

If I watch it on my phone, I'll be in my comfy bed. 

If I watch it on tv, I'll be thinking about how much comfier i'd be to watch in bed.

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I want to buy a Lunatik Taktik case for my iPhone but scared all the ones for cheap prices are fakes. Not really trying to pay $100 for a phone case.
was at work yesterday from 6-430....didn't get home until 6...skipped the gym and just went to $1 beer night......gonna be another long one today....this 4 day weekend can't come fast enough
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