the thread about nothing...

Co-sign. We def don't do that here. I heard literally one dude do that and I gave him that whatchutalmbotwillis? look. That's just how he talked, that was his style. Didn't bother me. I have a funny story about dude too. So cold...

Aight, so it was a dude I worked with at NTNY. Let's call him "Joe" Even though he talked like that, he flirted with damn near every female in the store. So one day, we're in the basement and this one chick comes downstairs. One of the leads was trying to put in WORK hollering at her. We'll call him "Mike". He thought he was in there. Shorty sees Joe and mouths to him "I wanna **** you". I saw it with my own eyes because she said it as I turned the corner into that aisle 
. Few days go by, and Joe comes back with a story of how freaky shorty was and how she cooked breakfast for him butt naked that morning. The next week, the lead "Mike" is irritated with the crew and he kinda caught wind of dealings with said female and Joe. For whatever reason, they have a little exchange at the end of the night and it gets a little chippy. At this point Joe already put everybody on to what happened. It's funny because we all see Mike try to wait for shorty after work damn near every night he closes. He would stand and wait with her and we'd all see them walking. Anyway....Mike and Joe have a little back and forth one night in the basement. Mike, thinking since he's a lead, he can talk anyway he wants to people. We're all just chillin at the end of the night waiting to be releases and eventually this happens...

Joe: (laughing with a co worker)

Mike: Joe,what's so funny?

Joe: Nothing, I was telling a joke (they were actually joking about said female, Mike wasn't aware)

Mike:frown:yells out to the rest of the crew) Come on y'all hurry up, I'm trying to get some tonight

Joe: Busts out laughing

Mike: What's so funny? (looks at Joe)

*Everybody starts laughing*

Mike: Forreal I'm trying to beat tonight

Joe: You could try but we know you not, stop frontin ******

Mike had that "yeah, right" look on his face and the female wound up ad Joe's house that night. 
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