the thread about nothing...

@GrizzlyAnimal  coldstone isnt that great and it has a kinda weir ater taste 
o, so these dudes are exaggerating about it being good  
Encore now has a "Black" channel and the first movies I saw on it was Jurassic Park

black channels are stupid. we realy need to segregate tv channels :lol: :smh:  im pretty sure people would get all anger if there were white channels 

Weebay moment

Its like segregation still exists but instead of labeling the good **** whites only... they pulled a fast one and labeled the garbage as exclusive to blacks.
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I hate the fact that coldstone makes employees sing like a bunch of d ickbags. Grizz if you live in Texas you should find a Sheridan's. You can get ice cream anywhere but frozen custard is a real treat.
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