the thread about nothing...

I am a Social Studies teacher... yet while watching the Olympics ceremony I have not heard of half of these countries :smh:

SMH at me...
Always thought that sports is an easy way to learn your history. I use the world cup as markers or pin points to redirect me of what happend that year. The world cup in Italy the Berlin wall fell in around the same time. Helps big time, or that the national anthems or the lighting of the torch in the Olympics started in 1936 thanks to hitler and not everyone knows that :rofl:
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Going to look at a 3000 sq ft crib tomorrow. 6 br 3 bath. It will be me and. 3 of my boys if we get it. Lots of space new kitchen too :pimp:
To the people who have not seen Breaking Bad but are interested in seeing it, try to watch it asap.

I was just like you. I hadn't seen anything but the trailer but this one NTer's post about having to see it convinced me that I should at least start episode 1.

After I watched episode 1, I was hooked. I watched all 4 seasons in a week. The show is the 2nd best thriller that I've seen behind Death Note.

If you like watching a show that makes you pay attention to minor details, have a suspension of disbelief, and good character development, I'm sure that you'll like Breaking Bad.

On another note: This video is hilarious!

About to start my stupid shift at work..... I just wanna get through with this 8hr shift so I can take a couple shots and go to sleep.
I don't go back to work till Tuesday but it's my first official day in loss prevention :smokin
I bought 2 pair of jeans but I still can't find decent tees
I haven't been to the gym in 4 days because of my stupid schedule and now I have time to go but I'm tired and super sore.
I've lost a noticeable amount of weight, I don't weigh myself but I looked in the mirror today and took off my shirt and just hit myself with the Patrick Bateman flex and walked out the bathroom with my swag on a hundred trillion.
That's just a quick update on my life.
EDIT: I'm also hungry, but I don't know what to eat.
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Missing all this Olympic action :smh: moved all day yesterday.. Dish getting hooked up as we speak tho :pimp:
is it safe to transport an LCD TV laying down flat? I've heard its not safe to transport some TVs that way, but I cant remember if its plasma or LCD's
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