the thread about nothing...

I asked Meth to reduce the reps i've given out. Oops :rolleyes Didn't think it would affect you guys that bad.

Went home to visit my mom and thought I saw a black eye on her... Was ready to snap on a *****!!!

She turned and it was a shadow :lol:
it was ninjahood. there's also a "banned" under his name. must be something new now, since the logout on right top right is compressed now.
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it was ninjahood. there's also a "banned" under his name. must be something new now, since the logout on right top right is compressed now.

no ninahood was banned awhile ago due to the Yeezy thread....
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so sometimes i google myself to make sure there isnt any false or personal info online about myself...

...and i discover someone with the same first and last name is a registered sex offender in San antonio
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Got to a doctor...things are leading to a hiatal hernia :x :x

Going to a GI doctor to be 100% sure. But man... :smh:
Holy crap!... it was Ninjahood and I lost like 500 reps..... I just didnt notice because my last 2 digits stayed the same :wow:
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He might have been suspended first & then banned? If he was banned a couple days ago then our reps would have changed then, our reps didn't change until earlier today. that's weird though, I saw a "banned" under his name and now it's gone :nerd:. probably new changes happening to the site right now
WAIT, Ninjahood got banned?!
is that supposed to be a good thing or bad thing?

he might come back, he's been banned on that SN before and later came back.
He might have been suspended first & then banned? If he was banned a couple days ago then our reps would have changed then, our reps didn't change until earlier today. that's weird though, I saw a "banned" under his name and now it's gone :nerd:. probably new changes happening to the site right now
WAIT, Ninjahood got banned?!
is that supposed to be a good thing or bad thing?

he might come back, he's been banned on that SN before and later came back.
Neither, just curious as to what he did. :nerd:

you're wrong.

People like Trill still has 4000reps, but probably haven't been repped 4000 times.

back then, reps could be worth up to 10 repped points.

now, i've seen some guys repped be worth 3-4 repped max.

The system has already been updated on that in my opinion.
yo you need to calm the hell down b
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Suspend doesnt equal permanent ban guys lol

plus this happen at the beginning of the week...and i lost reps this evening so its not Nina, its someone else
Wait...ninjahood got banned? Cliffs?  Anybody?

That honestly bums me out.  I disagreed with the vast majority of his opinions and had some harsh words for him here and there, but dude kept this forum lively.  Him and ksteezy constantly being at odds with one another was reason enough to frequent the general forum.
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