the thread about nothing...


just seen this on twitter....#struggleplates


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Awww man, that reminds me of that Sam's Club video a friend of mine showed funny. I hope somoene knows what I'm talking about and post it, if not I'll post it later.
Did you ever post about that one story you teased the other night?
About the older co worker yambs right? I think that was Friday, and no I didn't. Maybe later...
Everyday, I take one step further away from rap and take one step closer to rock.
Do it. I'm glad I had an appreciation for such since I was a kid. I guess watching MTV did give me some diversity...I personally like RHCP 
. Richard Pettiman would also like to have a word with you on that subject. But enough of that...
Man is there anything more awkward than looking up to see another dude looking at you...what the **** bruh? 
How about waking up to find your roommate staring at you?


Man still to this day I'm trying to figure out why you, beh, and jj got rid of the reps. 
Simple, I didn't want it anymore. Don't need the pissing contest of reps to add to the "NT experience"
What in theeeeee struggle hell is that?


Man still to this day I'm trying to figure out why you, beh, and jj got rid of the reps. 
Simple, I didn't want it anymore. Don't need the pissing contest of reps to add to the "NT experience"

But didnt you recently ask Meth to restore your rep privileges and he hit you with the dont play on my phone tone ?

I like the rep system because they help draw attention to certain points being made in threads. I feel like posts with reps are more likely to be read.

I cant even count the amount of times Ive wanted to rep you JJ or Pabs because you made a solid point that I agreed with.

That... and the fun of circle jerk. :lol:
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But didnt you recently ask Meth to restore your rep privileges and he hit you with the dont play on my phone tone ?
No no, from what I recall; beh235 beh235 papi had asked Meth to take away the reps, and he hit him with the forewarning that he can't restore rep privilege and that was conveyed in a 'dont play on my phone' type tone.
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