the thread about nothing...

Tan what are your ig handles...i was going to go through the IG thread and track people down...but thats too much effort...dont even care if you follow me back...cause i unfollow people who post like 8 times a day....but trying to up the people i follow

follow me :nerd:
Ya he is :evil:

marco23 marco23 , you should play with me, natrix916 natrix916 , and unknwn unknwn :nerd:
i have no clue how to link up online? lulz.. no time off at all... havent even tried it
are you guys on right now?
We all haven't played/talked in such a long time :frown:

I'm not on now, rarely go on at all really. Too busy with school
We used to have such a good time :wow:

I'll probably be on this weekend :smile:
Sup breh, been a minute
sup pabs

okay, so im just gonn re-add ppl, ive still got that stupid xbl default name: toningsugar156
got one name change free, needing suggestions.. TAN help me out
Everyday, I take one step further away from rap and take one step closer to rock.
yes come to the dark side

i dont know but lately i rarely listen to rap and when i do its only charles hamilton

all ive been listening to lately is rock and metal
Man is there anything more awkward than looking up to see another dude looking at you...what the **** bruh? 
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