the thread about nothing...

I failed you guys, I was about to take a good pic but it was the front camera and I took a selfie
even after saying all that

geno's red yeezys are fake PERIOD

regardless of how much money he has , he can get got & DID get got

ask Fabolous & Game

& box price is/will be $250 before tax BUT trust & believe geno paid over 4 figures for them FAKES because real pair's are going for damn near 5k right now
No defense of Geno at all on my part. Just funny that the Phantom story rocked as long as it did and Geno got called out before the end of the game! LOL Basically you can pop all kinda outlandish bs but don't come around here rocking fakes..
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Marco. That was your chance at some NT fame and glory.

Such a promising star, left to simply crash and burn. :smh:
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