the thread about nothing...

Me and the broad were snapchatting.

I snapped back, complementing her prime assets......but to the wrong girl because of snapchats stupid *** contact list
Morning TAN
It's 2013...why does traffic still exist? why can't we put more resources into solving traffic. Like it bothers everyone on planet earth...just fix it

Chick wants to grab dinner tonight.....i already went down this road....don't really want to do it again...but may go to dinner just so we can be "friends" and i can see if she has any hot single friends.

Chipotle's Tabasco sauce >>>>>
Soak a cotton ball in your favorite scent and throw it in your vaccuum bag to make the smell fill your place

Leave peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls in smellier areas of your place to freshen it up.
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