the thread about nothing...

Im trying to quit smoking herb, and its harder than I expected.
I've been down that road, best advice don't quit cold turkey try to go on a 2 spliff a week diet if you can, then work your way down! Toke it easy bruh!!

i regret getting rid of my last laptop thats where I had your pic saved...

who woud have thought I'd have paid such a dear price because of planned obsolescence 

For your safety, its best that laptop is gone
i'm trying to get it back

I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel
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I keep getting yambs I dont want. And i cant avoid them 

Im indirectly leading this ***** on like ****. And i cant do anything about it. Sweet jesus, dont mix business with pleasure. You have any idea how hard its going to be to smash new coworkers?
Drunk, and pissed right now. Wring mixture for anything right now. **** it. Ramon ayala jammin in the club right bow entonces me vale verrrggaaaa coommppaaaaaa
I believe that video game graphics will one day be so realistic that a whole new set of mental health disorders will be birthed as a result.
How did he not know this was going to happen???

I believe that video game graphics will one day be so realistic that a whole new set of mental health disorders will be birthed as a result.
I hope I'm alive to see that, seriously.
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