the thread about nothing...

just read email that my school was on lockdown today 

dude showed up with a strap 
What's death but a period?
Life is just a pause
A long comma drawn
Before you enter through the jaws
Into the belly or the womb
Our tomb once consumed
I **** a universe
And exhaled a plume
3D clouded my judgement
So now I'm unaware
Of where the **** I came from
and how the **** I got here
Limited to 5 senses
Bombarded til I'm senseless
Watched from every angle
Though I know that I'm defenseless
I embrace another taste that I can't quite stomach...
Fall into a trap that's a never ending plummet
Can't sum it
Can some ****
That we call consumption
Really take the place of our soul's need to function?
Before I end the sentence
Of this trial existence
And start a paragraph that I may not ever finish
As long as I have love and push my talents to the limit
I can't find a reason why I should feel timid.
What up TAN?

@beh235  what what wha wha...what what wha wha...what wha wha wha 

Don't act like ya'll act rock with Nore
What's good fam? Yes I rock with Papi sometimes (why he changed his name to that I'll never know 
everytime i get sick from drinking, i always promise myself that i will never drink again.

... but i never follow through -_- be young 
Haven't seen that one in a while.

My gf had never seen Fight Club before tonight. Guess it was a Brad Pitt being a badass kind of night on both coasts.
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If I'm supposedly on the last branch of the tree of life or on the last chakra or something and this native american woman told me that I have healing powers and I continue to live life on good terms and no longer do the occasional foul activity, what's next as far as my dimensional travels?
went to the halloween store tonight and the girls picking out outfits were banging, can't wait for tomorrow night 
I never pursued the healing power thing. I got to feel it that one night when she put her hands up to mine and it felt like two magnets with the same charge pushing against each other which shocked me. After that I mostly left that idea alone, but that experience does pop up to the forefront of my mind every now and then.


Maybe for some. This is just one of the infinite experiences that you will know before they all blur into one and we return to the oneness that we truly are. Gonna take a while.
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On both, just what I was told. I have no idea and am not walking around feeling like a super hero or anything. Her putting up her hands was to show me how it felt when the energies matched.

I can't say that we are born from nothing. I don't know if you have kids, but they definitely arrive with personalities before you teach them anything. It's a trip.

As far as a different path, like I said earlier we will all eventually end up in the same place and I don't mean the dirt. I mean back to being one.
TWENTY ******G ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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