the thread about nothing...

I see lawsuits for this new mtv show with these nurses by day, party people by night.  I see one of them with liquor or drugs in their system while something happens to their patient.  I'll take buckwild over this show.

i always say those shows are scripted....
Better grab iPod and get a wifi txt app.
Nah, I'm not going the extra mile for a female.. I'm perfectly fine without a phone anyway. I keep my convo's on facebook while at home. Honestly not having a phone in school, and having no way to communicate via social networking besides in my own home keeps me focused in conversations in person. Not constantly looking down every 10 - 15 minutes.

yea you really don't need a phone and she would be more focused on talking to in person and hanging out not sent sending you emojis :lol:

Word, but she lives (used to now that she's with her boyfriend) 5 minutes away. I ask her when she's coming through and she always comes when im in school. I tell her to just make one day to wait for me, but she never does. :lol:

Better grab iPod and get a wifi txt app.

good alternative

Better grab iPod and get a wifi txt app.
Nah, I'm not going the extra mile for a female.. I'm perfectly fine without a phone anyway. I keep my convo's on facebook while at home. Honestly not having a phone in school, and having no way to communicate via social networking besides in my own home keeps me focused in conversations in person. Not constantly looking down every 10 - 15 minutes.

I barely had a phone in high school...i had a prepaid phone...hey why not a prepaid phone? its affordable....
I had one of those obama phones, but I didn't even use it. I talk to yambs over my land line :pimp: Or Skype. I don't like the idea of me having a phone in school, and having one of these three females blowing up my phone every class period. I used to purposely turn my phone off to not hear from anyone. I'm in school trying to get my s_ done.
I'ma tell yall about something horrible that happened to me this morning, but yall gotta keep it a secret....

So my dad is really into pool. Every morning he wakes up and watched videos on his TV about pool strokes. So I'm in the crib, and I'm hearing all these weird sounds coming from his room....I look in there and I'm not sure what I'm watchin on his TV...I was staring at it for a good 10 minutes, then I realize I'm watching a video of some dude beating his ****

I was like "yo dad WTF is on your TV????"....he was like "I'm not sure, I just typed in stroke" lol. So there was a video of some dude on there stroking himself, he was so embarrassed

my pops is 65, I know he damn near died.....


I'ma tell yall about something horrible that happened to me this morning, but yall gotta keep it a secret....

So my dad is really into pool. Every morning he wakes up and watched videos on his TV about pool strokes. So I'm in the crib, and I'm hearing all these weird sounds coming from his room....I look in there and I'm not sure what I'm watchin on his TV...I was staring at it for a good 10 minutes, then I realize I'm watching a video of some dude beating his ****

I was like "yo dad WTF is on your TV????"....he was like "I'm not sure, I just typed in stroke" lol. So there was a video of some dude on there stroking himself, he was so embarrassed

my pops is 65, I know he damn near died.....
He be strokin' 
. Your dad and shoyru's dad should hang out, sorry shoyru 
I see lawsuits for this new mtv show with these nurses by day, party people by night.  I see one of them with liquor or drugs in their system while something happens to their patient.  I'll take buckwild over this show.
You believe everything MTV does? 
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