the thread about nothing...

nuh uh papi

wht needs cash in hand


ox doesn't have time for games. don't turn this into a rape.



like wht wouldnt have a papi in the bathroom with the choppa waiting for you if you tried some bs.

motel maid gonna walk in and see a penguin slumped over while wht & tha papi drive off like

My sister just bought a $90 part for her window from the dealership, but found out that it wasn't the part she needed, so she went to take it back,and they said they couldn't take it back wtf ??? she just bought it an hour ago.. there's is gotta be a way they have to take it back right ?

Did she install the part?

Her best bet is to talk to management. Also, need to know what business she bought the part from. A place like O'reilly's will sometimes go out of their return policy to help their customers in situations like these, but you need permission from the manager or supervisor. And if you still don't agree with their decision, they will actually push that decision up to the regional manager to see if they can do it for you.
yeah, i guess they said she connected it or something, so they won't take it back.. she got it from a chevy dealership around here..  she asked to talk to a manger, and he told her the same thing.. i feel bad for her :smh:  

Exactly dude. Yall gotta get familiar franchises who actually need their customers. Advanced Auto Parts, etc.
Ummmmmmmm wut :nerd:

K, my last few attempted posts were held, this one just went thru like normal
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I was about to ask the same Rusty :lol: I posted something and looked away and didn't see anything, so I made the same one and it said "your post is waiting moderation"
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