the thread about nothing...

After 3 months of fighting wildland fires...I'm home sweet home :D 8)

never felt so good sleeping on my own bed, and not an air mattress!!!
Back in the day I had this job at a summer camp and one of my coworkers was steadfast on having a penguin as a pet. I agreed, would be an awesome creature to keep around.
I still want a mini giraffe

I was just thinking about this commercial two days ago 
Ox I feel you on that bus system. I actually have to take the bus this week. I have to be at school tomorrow at 9 and leave at 6. So I will leave at 8 and be home at 8. I seen this girl with so much *** today. That perfect shape and size and then found out the girl is in my Sociology class. I'm boutta get that. I'm in the Honors section (humble brag) and so I'ma ask if she needs someone to help study for the upcoming test. 

Boutta go light up tho.
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Life sucks. girls sucks. jobs suck. money sucks.

I was the square who never smoked but I've dabbled a few times. The moment I get a new job I'm copping my own personal get through a month supply .

The world is just way too stressful right now.
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