the thread about nothing...

Who needs mags when u got da interwebz
Still images!?!

This is what I'm saying tho. Thank goodness for the interwbez, life prior to it, was terrible 

What the hell is really going on in that male exercised thread?
He on that ****...dudes in the thread on Lamar tried to say coke wasn't as bad...but **** De La Hoya been fighting coke addiction for a minute now. 

He missed the fight cause he checked himself into rehab. 
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He on that ****...dudes in the thread on Lamar tried to say coke wasn't as bad...but **** De La Hoya been fighting coke addiction for a minute now. 

He missed the fight cause he checked himself into rehab. 
Wow, didn't know that. I feel bad for Lamar man. I still say we don't know what's going on in that man's head. He's been through a LOT in the last 5 years man. I don't understand why people don't understand this. Not an excuse to go off the deep end, but people are quick to judge.
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