the thread about nothing...

Who makes a song about a lamb that stalked them to school?

"And so the teacher turned it out,
Turned it out, turned it out,
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near

And waited patiently about,
Patiently about, patiently about,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear "

:x the thirst was real :smh:
Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.

1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive
1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?
do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800

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Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.

1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive
1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?
do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?
Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.

1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive
1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?
do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?

what do you plan on doing with it?
4gb is good enough for most people & anything more than 8gb is overkill unless you actually know that you'll need more.
Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.
1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive
1.0TB (5400 RPM}

what do you need 16gb of ram for?
do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?
what do you plan on doing with it?
4gb is good enough for most people & anything more than 8gb is overkill unless you actually know that you'll need more.
more ram is always better i you can afford it, you are essentially preparing for the future. 2-3 YRS DOWN THE LINE IF YOUR TAKE CARE OFF YOUR COMPUTER YOU WILL HAVE A PRETTY RELEVANT MACHINE.
Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.
1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive

1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?

do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?

what do you plan on doing with it?

4gb is good enough for most people

more ram is always better i you can afford it, you are essentially preparing for the future. 2-3 YRS DOWN THE LINE IF YOUR TAKE CARE OFF YOUR COMPUTER YOU WILL HAVE A PRETTY RELEVANT MACHINE.

more is better until it stops being useful.
doubt anything coming in the 2-3 years would require more than 8 for average users
Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.

1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive
1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?
do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?

what do you plan on doing with it?
4gb is good enough for most people & anything more than 8gb is overkill unless you actually know that you'll need more.
My wife needs one to do her hw but its also gonna serve as our main computer

Is this a good laptop? my local Costco has it for $870.
1366x768 15.6" widescreen

Hard Drive

1.0TB (5400 RPM}


what do you need 16gb of ram for?

do you also refuse to close any applications?

hell if the crappy screen resolution doesnt bother you and you dont need a touch screen but still like this laptop they have a cheaper gamer version $800
I know zero about computers so I just assumed that the higher ram was better. So it's not that big of a deal if i grt lower ram? Would it make a big difference?

what do you plan on doing with it?

4gb is good enough for most people
My wife need its to do her hw but its also gonna be our main computer

more ram is always better i you can afford it, you are essentially preparing for the future. 2-3 YRS DOWN THE LINE IF YOUR TAKE CARE OFF YOUR COMPUTER YOU WILL HAVE A PRETTY RELEVANT MACHINE.
we kind of want this computer to last atleast 3 years
sex on the white sand beaches of St. Thomas though this ain't promised, 

I'm as determined as them old timers

I want a villa in Costa Rica

so I can 

and enjoy how life's supposed to treat ya
sex on the white sand beaches of St. Thomas though this ain't promised, 

I'm as determined as them old timers

I want a villa in Costa Rica

so I can 

and enjoy how life's supposed to treat ya
The most underrated 
...listen man you can still do what you wanna do you gotta trust that ****

realest words a light skinned dude ever spoke
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...listen man you can still do what you wanna do you gotta trust that ****

realest words a light skinned dude ever spoke|I

I remember this dark skinned Haitian girl was on the school bus saying she was light skinned, and my brother told her, "God left you on the stove too long", dat real life ether.
Still wasted. Vokka n pineapple 
. I wanna smash my cousin girl sister. *** like POW!! She oneno it 

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