the thread about nothing...

da gawd Catrick Bateman aka Yung Furragamo.

Beautiful kitty b. great names for it too.
I'm gonna just go back to cutting my own ****. My barber doesn't know how to maintain/hold the line, looking like I got a different cut every week when it's supposed to be the same.
came home faded last night and had sleep paralysis this morning :x

most of the time i see shadows moving in the peripherals and i got so used to it that i just chill there and see what happens

but this time when i opened my eyes, i saw a figure on top of me. couldnt make out the face but i definitely saw some hair. thought it was my ex. crazy *****
today was my first time using a squatting toilet :x
and then I went to wash my hands and it was a stick of soap sticking out that everyone uses :x

but everyone got a galaxy s3 tho :lol:
Newmoanyuh like them Mitsurugi looking dudes, not bad.

Catch me sliding and they always call me safe kid. :pimp:

My boy got girls thirsty on some wizardry bs, one of em trying to take him to the World Cup lol.
Man when I come out of wrasslin practice, and I see the girls coming out of basketball practice, I just wanna lick the sweat off em and pipe em down.
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