the thread about nothing...

That seems like fun but kinda hard to pull off. It's kinda hard cuz you guys are already in Vegas so idk. what do you win if you accomplish something on the list youngtriz?

Hook up with a stripper
Streak around hotel floor
Idk tbh
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When you hear a dude's sneakers squeaking like crazy do you say anything?

I've seen this asian dude around campus like 3 times.

I've noticed him because his fusion 9s make this super loud squeak noise.

Like damn, I'd burn those shoes if I were him.
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I wish I had the balls to holla at this cute awg working at the bank today. :\

Oh well.there's always next time.

roll up in your laser 4s. her panties will be wet.

thank me later.
:lol: I was looking nice today with an Express polo and a pair of LeBron 9 except I was wet cuz
it was raining.

Was she wet?


If not put on da leather pants and da yeezy's and get da yambs

nah mean?
I got that nowitzness struggle going on right now :/ walked to 7eleven for a slurpee but the sprite one was out of service, had to settle for watermelon as a base flavor
When you hear a dude's sneakers squeaking like crazy do you say anything?

I've seen this asian dude around campus like 3 times.

I've noticed him because his fusion 9s make this super loud squeak noise.

Like damn, I'd burn those shoes if I were him.

Give him some baby powder lol
What is pmsing?
Too scarded to google

Urban dictionary :

1. Pmsing :
Around a woman's period - for some its before, some its after, and some its during, they start to go through mood swings and become very emotional. Yes, theyll ***** and blow up at the smallest things out of nowhere and then go back to feeling normal. But also the littlest things can make them cry at times.

2. Pmsing :
You NEVER want to be around a girl when she does this, or ask her out around this special time. If you do, she will ******g ***** you out, cuss you out, possibly slap, hit, bite, scratch, you get what I mean. Then the worst thing is the next time you talk to her she acts like she doesn't remeber a ******' thing!

3. Pmsing :
Usually before a woman begins her period, sometimes during and after though. She will usually be very emotional and will get angry or mood swingy at the littlest things.

4. Pmsing :
Sometimes women turn into some type of mythical beast.
It's best to avoid them during this transformation..
Don't ever tell a girl she's PMSing though, it's never polite. =)
Just let the mythical beast be, and within a few days you'll get your girl back. :wink:

5. Pmsing :
What guys blame every time a girl gets mad at them, even though, most of the time, we have a valid reason for being mad and it's NOT that time of the month.

6. Pmsing :
Acting *****y, like a women having here period.

7. Pmsing :
every girl's excuse for acting like a cold hearted *****

8. Pmsing :
A general mood or attitude a person gets when they are angry and irritable, referring to a woman going thorugh P.M.S..

9. Pmsing :
The time of the month when women get there period or are around it and act phycotic. They are more sensitve and more emotional then ever and will cry and lash out over the smallest things. Beware...

10. Pmsing :
When a woman is hormonal, irrational, moodswingy, bloated, crampy etc. due to the fact that she's on her period or is about to start her period.

11. Pmsing :
the reason girls get away with acting like *** holes and are allowed to treat people like ****. also, the reason they can randomly blow up at guys or cry!
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