the thread about nothing...


I know this is sneaker related, but I don't see any thread for it :

if his daughter wasn't such a sloot showing off her midrif he wouldn't have to worry!

Does this dude actually like doing brackets? Seems like he literally is just too lazy to do it.

I have to practically beg people too. I don't get it. ANTI E SOCIALISM FTL
Does this dude actually like doing brackets? Seems like he literally is just too lazy to do it.

I have to practically beg people too. I don't get it. ANTI E SOCIALISM FTL
No he's just cheap "doesn't want to lose money" and he hates to lose or participate in anything he can't take "advantage of or exploit" aka cheat, which I called him out on that a few days ago 

The part that cracked me up was when I told him I'd just pay for him, he said he'd give me half the winnings if he won 

and looking at the conversation, am I a bad friend? and should I ease up on him? Cuz almost once a day we have conversations like this 
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No he's just cheap "doesn't want to lose money" and he hates to lose or participate in anything he can't take "advantage of or exploit" aka cheat, which I called him out on that a few days ago 

The part that cracked me up was when I told him I'd just pay for him, he said he'd give me half the winnings if he won 

and looking at the conversation, am I a bad friend? and should I ease up on him? Cuz almost once a day we have conversations like this 

I go a lot harder at my friends than you do. :lol:

You're good. Unless he's super sensitive.
No he's just cheap "doesn't want to lose money" and he hates to lose or participate in anything he can't take "advantage of or exploit" aka cheat, which I called him out on that a few days ago 

The part that cracked me up was when I told him I'd just pay for him, he said he'd give me half the winnings if he won 

and looking at the conversation, am I a bad friend? and should I ease up on him? Cuz almost once a day we have conversations like this 
I go a lot harder at my friends than you do.

You're good. Unless he's super sensitive.
Alright cool 
 but ya the guy is extra soft
Tahrone just texted me...... he says 'yellow' to yall and he feels bad for not sending out his USBAN yet (yikes that dude is way late with that).

And he says he'll be back in 2 more weeks 
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