the thread about nothing...

RCK i think you got a problem my dude
thats not the point at all bro. Its supposed to be to kick back, relax, and enjoy in moderation- but i think you know that
Ok ok, the majority of the time its to relax, moderate, kick back, etc but every so often I like to just lose it and binge the hell out of my night!
RCK i think you got a problem my dude
stop that.... I haven't had a sober night since last Saturday night 
 but of these 8 nights only like 3 of them were a binge night
I just called out my best friend (the one I'm the best man to and cheats at everything) for being a terrible friend to someone in our group...

and he just brushed it off like it was nothing after I completely called him out and aired him out via group msg.... Not sure how I feel about this 

I would treat u better papi

Tell her da only number that matters is that of da pen0r
Is that a typical message you send out bro? I wouldnt put much emphasis on looks or compliments, i think they get that plenty anyways. Maybe tell em they have a nice smile or nice eyes or something, but other than that just say it seems like you have a lot in common (with a couple examples) and would love to talk and get to know her a little better. It makes you seem confident, laid back, and easy to talk to - without any thirst. Just my 2 cents fam
Nah I was just messing around in all honestly.

Thanks for the advice Nowitz
I just called out my best friend (the one I'm the best man to and cheats at everything) for being a terrible friend to someone in our group...

and he just brushed it off like it was nothing after I completely called him out and aired him out via group msg.... Not sure how I feel about this 
I would treat u better papi
Naw man, I don't let him pull **** on me ever. I literally keep it too real with him and call him out on almost everything any chance i get
damb I think some of my friends crashed the LA marathon this morning around 3AM
wish I woulda gone

@antidope.. I'm pretty sure that's Isis Taylor in WHT's avi
Yup thats who it is. You lost your reps too? What happened boy of rice?
Anyone know of any local Japanese markets in SoCal? Looking for some random stuff like these bad boys

Are these sodas? WANT
Not even gonna lie, that line seems really smooth once you see it in message form.
Anyone know of any local Japanese markets in SoCal? Looking for some random stuff like these bad boys


find a way to get these fries and youre on your way to an edible dragon ball z character. :smokin and i don't eem like dragon ballz like that.

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just hit a roach like a literally till there was nothing left b/c i'm dry and broke my bong

yeah mad.
Great weekend this was indeed. I received an email Friday morning inviting me back for a 2nd interview Tuesday afternoon. Spent the weekend doing some gigs and now the wife is cooking dinner. Yall cats enjoy the rest of the evening.
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