the thread about nothing...


and you can PM me the pics mami 
ok, i will wait for some of these trees to die, need some sunlight to come through for the photo 
I don't get this reference 

 you high right now???? 


ask grandtheftbike
Yo homie, grandtheftbike what is she talking about
i dont eem think she knows what she is talking about

but i think she lives in the woods or something
i got wood
true, i just want to shut you all up 
Now you're just sidestepping 

fine you win 
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this isn't a painting or photoshop trick, this river in china is near a fertilizer factory and the run off fertilized the algae in the river so much its basically turned to slime. :x


lol i know it's easier said than done, but yeah that's probably key. 

i know working out helps me relax, bottom line stressing out is not cool if you're trying to get some sleep.

did you keep your grades up in school? that's about the only thing that kept me up most nights 

so you've just gotten used to it? it hasn't gotten better ---> could lead to long term health problems
Grades weren't a factor.

I have been dealing with it and it has progressed for over 10 years. So I guess you could say I have gotten used to it. There are periods of times where I do have normal sleeping patterns but it does not last long. I know all about the health risks associated with lack of sleep. 
i'ma go visit marilyn's grave soon 

EDIT: damn i've been the first post on the page a lot lately kinda, i hate that 
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A few minutes after I posted my "Yoga Pants are appreciated" comment, a fat chick in Yoga pants walked by. "Yoga pants are appreciated sometimes."
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