the thread about nothing...

^here's the link

dang, that's weird. I can't look at it if I'm not logged in
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Missed my first class cause I overslept. Went to my second class, noticed that the campus was pretty empty .. Turns out classes were all cancelled for faculty meetings.

my cousin wrote it

I saw it on the book of face
Write her back and tell her a man by the name of Pablo will agree tentatively to save her pending passing a physical
grandtheftbike has ajobb?

thought dude was just a kid in class this whole time
hope this doesnt change anything between us

there was nothing between us to begin with


my cousin wrote it :lol:

I saw it on the book of face

Write her back and tell her a man by the name of Pablo will agree tentatively to save her pending passing a physical

that's your real name?


no its not his real name. he actually has a very nice name. i won't share it tho
my cousin wrote it :lol:

I saw it on the book of face


:wow:  = 

talk about

I just hit my pinky toe on the corner of the door and my feet were cold as ****. **** you ! Son of a ***** .

:x :smh: the pain, i feel it on this side of the screen man.


I just hit my pinky toe on the corner of the door and my feet were cold as ****. **** you ! Son of a ***** .
**** you too. Betcha think twice bout walking round me shoeless.

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