the thread about nothing...

This has been one of the worst days I've ever had... I'm really pissed off... Smh...
What are some steve urkel moments from your lives?

As a kid, throwing rocks as high as possible and watching them fall down was entertaining.

One day, after school I was throwing rocks with my friend. I'm threw a pretty good sized rock right before I got to the corner that I would turn on to go to my house.

As I was watching the rock fall, a car was turning the corner. Oh lawd.

As soon as I saw the rock hit some lady's windshield, I booked it.

I walked around the block and I saw that the lady's car was parked outside my house. My friend ratted me out even though he was doing the same thing.

I hid at my other friend's house for 30min, then walked home to receive punishment.

Long story short. Mom paid for repairs. Slaps were had.
We should have a TAN for children and a TAN for adults.........
I agree.
not sure why but it bothers me when i am a couple feet ahead of someone and i kindly wait to hold the door open for them just for that person to ignore me. Next time ill just let the door smack ya in the face or ill just stop being polite. This happens atleast a good 5x a day. When they dont say it i say outloud to make sure that person hears me " oh Your welcome" and they give me this dirty look
Or you can play a game with them.

When you're holding the door, slowly close the door as they're walking to it.
What are some steve urkel moments from your lives?

As a kid, throwing rocks as high as possible and watching them fall down was entertaining.
One day, after school I was throwing rocks with my friend. I'm threw a pretty good sized rock right before I got to the corner that I would turn on to go to my house.
As I was watching the rock fall, a car was turning the corner. Oh lawd.
As soon as I saw the rock hit some lady's windshield, I booked it.
I walked around the block and I saw that the lady's car was parked outside my house. My friend ratted me out even though he was doing the same thing. :smh:
I hid at my other friend's house for 30min, then walked home to receive punishment.
Long story short. Mom paid for repairs. Slaps were had.
back in elementary, my friend and i were playing catch after school with an apple and this dude threw it straight at the principles window. it stuck and slowly slid off :smh:. we didnt eem run and got caught up with writing lines for a week :x
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Lmao @ the Simpsons leader pic and that kid with the bunk beds in the back talking to that girl

R.I.P Mr. Knight, it hasn't been a good month.

I saw a chick in the store with Penny foams, she had a fat butt but her face was :x

Gamer Zodiac :smokin.

I would holla'd just for having on the royal foams.

She was a redbone too. Wasn't too bad, but I think we play for the same team :lol:

That episode of Seinfeld with Costanza under the desk :rofl:
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Warm weather is here.

Was walking into class and the girl in front of me must have ran 20 miles right before class. without showering.
I call some peoples weed struggle broccoli :lol:

I saw that financial leak stuff earlier. When I saw Biden was hit too... :smh:

Coming soon: new strict internet laws.
I got into Howard University over the weekend...

attended the Howard charter day dinner.  Spent a lot of time with the mayor of Atlanta.  Met many board members, the school president, and a lot of other wealthy influential African Americans...

Something most incoming transfer or freshman students don't get to do.  Built some good relationships in the short weekend and hopefully it carries on while on campus.  Just was an inspirational experience and I absorbed a lot especially with the ups and downs of my academic career.

On another note I plan on trying to attend Harvard for grad school.  From previous experience many aren't too fond of HBCU's on here but I felt like I was at the black Harvard lol, proud to be a bison. 
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