the thread about nothing...

Mortak Kombat.

The only one I cant name is the red dragon.
Star Fox
omFG I couldn't help but bust out laughing by myself in my room after reading this..
If I fill up a sandwich bag with lube and stick it under the matress and pound away. Is that fapping?
:rofl: can't breatheeee, kinda like my avy >D
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Lmao @ the Simpsons leader pic and that kid with the bunk beds in the back talking to that girl

R.I.P Mr. Knight, it hasn't been a good month.

I saw a chick in the store with Penny foams, she had a fat butt but her face was :x

Gamer Zodiac :smokin.
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Lmao @ the Simpsons leader pic and that kid with the bunk beds in the back talking to that girl

R.I.P Mr. Knight, it hasn't been a good month.

I saw a chick in the store with Penny foams, she had a fat butt but her face was :x

Gamer Zodiac :smokin.

I would holla'd just for having on the royal foams.
Quick run-down of that Gaming Zodiac

Super Mario, Assassin's Creed, Metroid, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Halo, Star Fox, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Half-Life, Gears of War, Kingdom Hearts
hay guise.

me and my friend are trying to decide if the guy with the Oly VII's has on a Vick jersey or not.

no way he's 16, you should skype him for a better visual  
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