the thread about nothing...

Landed an interview for a part time IT position that should get me the experience I need to get my foot in the door. Things are really coming together in my life and I can't even complain if I wanted to. Thank God for a supportive wife as well.

Happy everything is going right for you sir, esp with someone standing by your side and being supportive in the journey. :pimp:

At 4am? Hell yeah they are :lol:

@Tr1ll's advice. Seriously tho, with that PMS, just remember nod and say mmm hmmmm and remember it's not your fault. Learned that lesson from being around my mom. It took a while to catch on though :lol:
haha my bad, i always watch creepy stuff at night. i like tripping out on my dreams 

Landed an interview for a part time IT position that should get me the experience I need to get my foot in the door. Things are really coming together in my life and I can't even complain if I wanted to. Thank God for a supportive wife as well.
congrats man!

[rule]speaking of interviews, i think i may be too hyped on mine today. i usually get nervous as hell but today i just feel like kicking the door open and whipping it out as soon as i get there 


Thanks. Handle that interview :pimp:
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How's it foul?
Is kinda true doe. And I like it and so do the mamacitas

Oh that was forreal? :lol:. I didn't know. Thought it was a thinly veiled racist shot. Carry on then.... :lol:. My facial hair takes exactly 10 days to grow back to wolf status after I shave (head and beard). I hate that it grows so fast.
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When I was 17 I was trying to buy call of duty at gamestop and the guy was like where is ur id and I started rubbing my beard and was like this is my id
How's it foul?
Is kinda true doe. And I like it and so do the mamacitas

Oh that was forreal? :lol:. I didn't know. Thought it was a thinly veiled racist shot. Carry on then.... :lol:. My facial hair takes exactly 10 days to grow back to wolf status after I shave (head and beard). I hate that it grows so fast.
Whats wolf status? After about 2- 3 days I get too about a cm or so
:rofl: @thedocta. I know that feel. When I went to the movies to see The Players Club in the movies, I wasn't asked ID (I was 16), my friends, all of which were behind me in line, were carded. I had to lie and say I was their older cousin so they can get in. Most of them are older than me, but by months tho. However, I still look basically the same since 16.
How's it foul?
Is kinda true doe. And I like it and so do the mamacitas

Oh that was forreal? :lol:. I didn't know. Thought it was a thinly veiled racist shot. Carry on then.... :lol:. My facial hair takes exactly 10 days to grow back to wolf status after I shave (head and beard). I hate that it grows so fast.
Whats wolf status? After about 2- 3 days I get too about a cm or so

Wolf status = everything I cut off is back and scraggly. I get stubble the day after it's cut.
"Society says it's wrong to step to this guy (holds arms straight out imitating a parapalegic), but you know what? I say **** that, I make my own rules" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'm 23 but I'm not gonna lie I look like a 17 year old. This indian dude at the gas station didn't believe me when I showed him my ID to buy cigs two days ago. It went like this:

Him: I can't believe this is you
Me: What that doesn't look like me? *I take my hat off*
Him: No! This is you! But you are 23?
Me: ...yeah...
Him: You look MUCH younger friend!
Me: Yep I get that a lot

My gf was waiting for me in the car and I told her about it. She's like, "yeah you do look really young......I hope people don't think I'm a pedi."
I get this all the time, just yesterday someone said they thought I was 18, I'm 24
all this talk of beard making want to go trim up...feels like my facial hair is already growing back by the time I get home from the barber shop :smh:
I think one of my co-workers is wearing some fake Foams.


pic of said fakeness O_O

Man, sneaking pics of people is one step over the weird line to me, but, if someone was to name an app that let you takes stills of video, I might be able to make something shake.

@Nowitzness41, naw its not that bad, but they definitely have that shape.

Dudes is a real shiny red and the "Foamposite" is trying to flatten out.
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