the thread about nothing...

Can't wait to ball out tomorrow. The goons want to run it outdoor in the morning, gonna be like 50. That's decent NY weather out chea. Suck it, you southerners and Californians.

Idk why but this has me absolutely dying of laughter :rofl:
i watched nicole kidman in the movie invasion last night, she could get it 
I'm going to quit smoking for a little bit. (Smoking my last J while I type this).

Just got to get myself together. Wish me luck homies!
Things that piss me off:

1. When people think that the Middle East is a continent

2. When people think India is in the Middle East
'got a different avatar everyday of the week'
At first it was every few months, then every month, then every 3 weeks, 2 weeks, and finally 1 week.

The only avy that I'd keep for years and years is one that I've made.

Such as Elpablo's avy.
Things that piss me off:
1. When people think that the Middle East is a continent
2. When people think India is in the Middle East

Agreed with 2.
Im Indian and people have confused me with being middle eastern. Or just being racists called me an "arab".
Im like okay.. :lol:
Were pretty far from the middle east
If he's asking if I have a vagina,then he's a corny a__ cornball.
Gatzby thinks he's "Mr.know it all",well's he just an annoying prick to me.
wasnt a vagina joke,

you just seemed like a cat person.

i dont think i act like a "Mr.know it all" 

 you have your area of expertise i have mine.

i take that as a compliment though 
I feel middle eastern/indian tan is about to start up.

On a loosely related note:

I listened to an episode of the champs that featured an indian comedian named Russell Peters.
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