the thread about nothing...

Rck, I had no idea it was THAT type of box. It's ok to feel like this....

But take that box and do this....

Drinking and doing that kind of thinking isn't healthy. I know it hurts but let it go so you can completely heal. As far as the last statement, it just meant having something that you can physically touch to connect you to a certain memory.

My PM is open if you need it man.
thanks homie! I think i'm ok..... 
Rck, I had no idea it was THAT type of box. It's ok to feel like this....

But take that box and do this....

Drinking and doing that kind of thinking isn't healthy. I know it hurts but let it go so you can completely heal. As far as the last statement, it just meant having something that you can physically touch to connect you to a certain memory.

My PM is open if you need it man.
thanks homie! I think i'm ok..... 

No problem man, it'll get better.
Texted my barber yesterday if i can get a cut today, today comes and no replies to my texts. :smh: :frown:
when ever i start to worry or get down...i clean my room to clear my mind...somewhat helped but atleast the room is clean :lol: :\
Texted my barber yesterday if i can get a cut today, today comes and no replies to my texts.
at least you have a barber. mine retired and i haven't gotten a cut from the same barber twice for maybe 2 years 

i keep bouncing from one barber shop to another 
youtube is shrinking the world..well maybe giving people stupid ideas. Was at the mall last week and people were doing the harlem shake at a perfume booth. and the walmart I work at been milk pranked twice in a week. :smh:
Nah, I wasnt there to witness it happen. I just heard about it.
Late 20s early 30s is primetime for men, no need to fear.
Naw man, I ain't talking my alpha D game prime...... I'm talking about life in general

like who am I at that age?

Do I like who I am?

Is that who I wanted to be when I was growing up?

Is it where I envisioned I'd be?

Where is my life headed?

What is my purpose?

Stuff like that

I'd say, if you're actively searching for answers to these questions, then you're already on the right track of fulfillment.

Also, saw this on another forum. Seems relevant to your situation and might alleviate your existential burden a bit.


^ :lol:

I just had a pb and jelly sandwich on fresh deli twist roll (sorta like a sandwich style crossiant roll) :wow: :nthat:
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