the thread about nothing...

What you think about these possible furloughs?

I think it's tough for those who will be affected and another backhand to the chin of federal employees who have had COLA increases frozen, travel/training budgets slashed, and hiring freezes.

Tough times, but things will hopefully get better at some point. It won't be affecting me directly at this point as the Government will always need contractors and this is another reason why I am not itching to become a Federal employee again.
I'm so bad, I haven't mailed my USBAN. Promise to send it out on Monday.

26 degrees in Chicago. I already miss the weather in Cali

and $10 a  month is a good deal looks nice in there... i pay 20 at the gym i go to and they don't have no damn movie room 
old white women stay smiling and waiting for something to happen thats not going to happen

0] doesnt turn into :D

just give it up & keep it moving :smh:
hi :D



no weird anime speak allowed!!!!

aw relax
I'm telling Big J.

He'll handle this.

if i or others see an anime gif & want to use it in a post/reply we'll continue to do so.

Ok, enough with the shrooms, drug talk blah blah blah after this

if theres one thing that shrooms helped me realize...

The future really is coming. PERIOD. We can try to save the years of our youth, and keep reliving the fun that we had, but eventually our responsibilities always catch up to us. Thats the difference between a guy sitting under a bridge feeling sorry for himself, or a guy like.....Tyler Perry who picked himself up by his boot straps, took his situation and made something out of his circumstances. Grabbing hold of your responsibilities and taking charge of them instead of avoiding them...

thats what shrooms meant to me...and I needed that

thanks for listening guys, love yall
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