the thread about nothing...

whats the best way to come down from shrooms? I just want to eat every ******g thing

I would really like to know what happened in between this post and your last post.

I didnt eat anything, and took a really nasty ****

by the way, time travel is real

Was just talking to this chick about this. When I'm traveling I'm convinced I move through dimensions/time. Something has to be going on for an 8 hour trip to feel like 10 minutes.
I have cameltail today.
I call it camel balls 


if i or others see an anime gif
you'd probably get the thread look but ooooooook
people have been using gifs for replies.
mine just sometimes happen to be from anime series.
nothing lock worthy.
Ok cool 
Time travel is only possible forwards, not backwards........or is it?

If you were to get in a time machine to go back and tell yourself to do whatever, say talk to a chick you wished you would've made a move on. If you did get there and told yourself to make a move, the second younger you committed to the idea, you would disappear. If you did talk to the girl in the past, there would be no need for you to go back in time to tell yourself to talk to the girl. I'd imagine it would be like that conversation never happened, you would think you came up with the idea yourself(technically you did). Almost like your conscience. So our conscience could be our future selves giving us insight on what to do.
Time travel is only possible forwards, not backwards........or is it?

If you were to get in a time machine to go back and tell yourself to do whatever, say talk to a chick you wished you would've made a move on. If you did get there and told yourself to make a move, the second younger you committed to the idea, you would disappear. If you did talk to the girl in the past, there would be no need for you to go back in time to tell yourself to talk to the girl. I'd imagine it would be like that conversation never happened, you would think you came up with the idea yourself(technically you did). Almost like your conscience. So our conscience could be our future selves giving us insight on what to do.

dog I'm not on the shrooms anymore so all this **** is chinese to me...

but do you guys think the 1940's still exist? Like do all of our past moments cease to exist the moment that we lived them? Or are all of those moments splinters in time that become little pocket universes?
Time travel is only possible forwards, not backwards........or is it?

If you were to get in a time machine to go back and tell yourself to do whatever, say talk to a chick you wished you would've made a move on. If you did get there and told yourself to make a move, the second younger you committed to the idea, you would disappear. If you did talk to the girl in the past, there would be no need for you to go back in time to tell yourself to talk to the girl. I'd imagine it would be like that conversation never happened, you would think you came up with the idea yourself(technically you did). Almost like your conscience. So our conscience could be our future selves giving us insight on what to do.

wouldnt we just change to a new person that had those experiences? word to the butterfly effect
Time travel is only possible forwards, not backwards........or is it?

If you were to get in a time machine to go back and tell yourself to do whatever, say talk to a chick you wished you would've made a move on. If you did get there and told yourself to make a move, the second younger you committed to the idea, you would disappear. If you did talk to the girl in the past, there would be no need for you to go back in time to tell yourself to talk to the girl. I'd imagine it would be like that conversation never happened, you would think you came up with the idea yourself(technically you did). Almost like your conscience. So our conscience could be our future selves giving us insight on what to do.
wouldnt we just change to a new person that had those experiences? word to the butterfly effect
I wouldn't mind being a new person. Rck2sactown has too many regrets in life. 

dog I'm not on the shrooms anymore so all this **** is chinese to me...
this is racist! 
Time travel is only possible forwards, not backwards........or is it?

If you were to get in a time machine to go back and tell yourself to do whatever, say talk to a chick you wished you would've made a move on. If you did get there and told yourself to make a move, the second younger you committed to the idea, you would disappear. If you did talk to the girl in the past, there would be no need for you to go back in time to tell yourself to talk to the girl. I'd imagine it would be like that conversation never happened, you would think you came up with the idea yourself(technically you did). Almost like your conscience. So our conscience could be our future selves giving us insight on what to do.

wouldnt we just change to a new person that had those experiences? word to the butterfly effect

But why would that new person be in that time talking to themselves? Theres no more need for that event happen. If one dind turn into a new person, you'd just be standing in front of the younger version like "Wtf" and walk off. Future person is there because certain events did not happen, as soon as the person of the past put the new plan into actions, the events leading up to the time travel wouldn't have happened.

You could say another universe would be formed, but when you went back to the present time, it would be two of you because, the events that led up to you traveling to time wouldn't have happened, thus you would've never left.

I'm not even high...
What you think about these possible furloughs?

I think it's tough for those who will be affected and another backhand to the chin of federal employees who have had COLA increases frozen, travel/training budgets slashed, and hiring freezes.

Tough times, but things will hopefully get better at some point. It won't be affecting me directly at this point as the Government will always need contractors and this is another reason why I am not itching to become a Federal employee again.
Government Jobs < Private Sector

Cousin got a cost of living raise....soon after, pay cut equaling - $800 a pay period which equals over 19k decrease in salary. 
I think it's tough for those who will be affected and another backhand to the chin of federal employees who have had COLA increases frozen, travel/training budgets slashed, and hiring freezes.

Tough times, but things will hopefully get better at some point. It won't be affecting me directly at this point as the Government will always need contractors and this is another reason why I am not itching to become a Federal employee again.
Government Jobs
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