the thread about nothing...

I'm playing Halo, while jamming out to Backstreet Boys pandora 
Man, I think I sprained my dog gone ankle again 

Tonight was the best I've played in months too.... I was playing like current-day Mavs Vince Carter... bombing jumpers, with a hint of old timer athleticism sprinkled in 

3rd time, in 3 months I've sprained this same ankle 

screw driver or bloody mary.......... vodka anything is 
why don't you just wear a brace?

i use the mcdavid 195

vodka is okay (grey, belvedere, costco, stoli, ketel).
some are straight disgusting though (skyy, smirnoff, absolut, probably almost every other vodka)
I'm lazy 
 plus I don't want to depend on the brace, if you know what I mean

I love any and all vodka 
i used to say that too until i decided that hurting my ankle was much more costly than wearing a brace. 
my brother just messaged me telling me he's moving back with my mom and i next week 

three people in a one bedroom apartment 

just bc of his insecure *** 
I know. Grabbed the first thing i saw. 

I was at the warriors game tonight and wasnt trying to pay $5 for a bottle water, and plus the 30 min ride from bart didnt help either 
I graduated high school in 05...doesn't seem that long ago though,

Can't believe we are almost thru with February before you know it, summer will be here.

My summers are not fun at all fellers, nothing under 95 for almost 7 months..:smh:
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