the thread about nothing...

that sounds terribly dangerous.

I wish I was drinking tonight, I'm jelly 
i will take a shot for you
of water
Bout to go to sleep.
Any good bed time stories?
A little boy is told at school that he needs to learn the first 4 letters of the alphabet by tomorrow. So as soon as he gets home, the little boy walks up to his mom who is busy paying bills.
Little Boy: "Mom, what's the first letter of the alphabet?"
Mom snaps: "Be quiet!"
So the little boy writes that down and goes to the living room, where his brother is watching Batman.
Little Boy: "Hey! What's the second letter of the alphabet?"
Brother singing in the Batman tune: "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!"
So the little boy write that down and goes to his older sister, who is talking on the phone.
Little Boy: "What is the third letter of the alphabet?"
Sister: "Yeah! That'd be great!"
So the little boy writes that down and goes to the kitchen, where his dad is fixing some hotdogs.
Little boy: "Daddy, what is the fourth letter of the alphabet?"
Dad in a panic: "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
So the little boy writes that down.
The next day at school, the teacher asked the class if anyone could recite the first 4 letters of the alphabet. The little boy raised his hand and said, "Be quiet!"
Teacher flabbergasted: "Young man, who do you think you are?"
Little boy says: "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!"
Teacher: "I'm going to take you to the principal's office."
Little Boy: "Yeah! That'd be great!"
In the principal's office the principal spanks the little boy.
Principal: "Now young man, is there anything you want to say?"
Little Boy: "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
I'm spending the night at my parents place tonight...

And the oven started beeping randomly for like 30 seconds, scared me. I think it's the oven's scheduled self cleaning, what the hell
Bout to go to sleep.
Any good bed time stories?
A little boy is told at school that he needs to learn the first 4 letters of the alphabet by tomorrow. So as soon as he gets home, the little boy walks up to his mom who is busy paying bills.
Little Boy: "Mom, what's the first letter of the alphabet?"
Mom snaps: "Be quiet!"
So the little boy writes that down and goes to the living room, where his brother is watching Batman.
Little Boy: "Hey! What's the second letter of the alphabet?"
Brother singing in the Batman tune: "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!"
So the little boy write that down and goes to his older sister, who is talking on the phone.
Little Boy: "What is the third letter of the alphabet?"
Sister: "Yeah! That'd be great!"
So the little boy writes that down and goes to the kitchen, where his dad is fixing some hotdogs.
Little boy: "Daddy, what is the fourth letter of the alphabet?"
Dad in a panic: "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
So the little boy writes that down.
The next day at school, the teacher asked the class if anyone could recite the first 4 letters of the alphabet. The little boy raised his hand and said, "Be quiet!"
Teacher flabbergasted: "Young man, who do you think you are?"
Little boy says: "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!"
Teacher: "I'm going to take you to the principal's office."
Little Boy: "Yeah! That'd be great!"
In the principal's office the principal spanks the little boy.
Principal: "Now young man, is there anything you want to say?"
Little Boy: "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
:lol: This story is funny. Thanks for the bed time story.
I can't decide if I should just say **** it to sleep or keep trying :\
:smh: be safe and dont be stupid please-

cosign. c'mon man. 60% of the time I leave my car at home if I'm going to go out so I don't have ot limit myself and can get as drunk as I want. If i know I'm only going to have 5-6 drinks for the night. (Yes I count) then I might drive depending how long I'm hanging out.

Point being you really don't want to have one small decision and one big mistake. thousands in court fees. a night in jail. your whole life ****** up.
getting my oil change and brakes changed this morning. so much for sleeping in on day off.
How does Alicia Keys sound worse than Rihanna vocally now? All that hollering.

I bombed that exam. :frown: Good God. I'll be studying nonstop. I can't fail graduation is scheduled for this year. Plus I need a 4.0 this semester or at least a 3.75. :smh:
getting my oil change and brakes changed this morning. so much for sleeping in on day off.
Had a friend call me to help him do a errand today. At First im like **** I wanted to sleep...but I realized its better he called today which is a holiday then tomorrow on my actual day off or i would have been pissed.
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Selling the caddy soon. All the minor problems its been having, plus the fact that it gets 11 mpg, and it takes premium just aint working for me as an unemployed college student. That $74 I put in the tank this morning was the final straw.

I'm getting my mustang fixed up for the spring
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