the thread about nothing...

And there's no harm intended in case it was perceived that way 

Also... all gifs and pics are finally showing up for me. I've cleared my cache a bunch of times the last couple weeks but it just now started working.
And there's no harm intended in case it was perceived that way 

Also... all gifs and pics are finally showing up for me. I've cleared my cache a bunch of times the last couple weeks but it just now started working.
Do you use chrome?

When ever I use chrome some gifs/pix don't show up, but I never have that problem with firefox.
Originally Posted by iYen  

Do you use chrome?

When ever I use chrome some gifs/pix don't show up, but I never have that problem with firefox.
Yeah I'm on Chrome. 
not motivated to apply for work 
 damn online applications take forever to fill out.
Winter weather in Canada right now 

Haven't had a day below zero in three weeks... and it's halfway through Feb. 
Think I'm 'bout to start this project....
what project...

It's shoe related. You'll see before it's officially posted :lol: . In a few hours...
post it on IG homie 

Yeah, the group shot will be up, but I'm doing a separate thread about it. Nowitzness inspired me to do it. Since I'm off tomorrow, I'll get started. I hope the thread will be appreciated when I make it.
milk be making me fart like CRAY!
sounds like lactose intolerance.

maybe look into this
As a lactose intolerant person I vote nay. The pills are the nastiest thing I have every tasted. 
times 1 million. Get lactaid milk its great, and for everything else, you take the L and deal with it.
Can you guys drink soy or almond milk
Yes we can, but soy and almond milk is nasty.
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milk be making me fart like CRAY!
sounds like lactose intolerance.

maybe look into this
As a lactose intolerant person I vote nay. The pills are the nastiest thing I have every tasted. 
times 1 million. Get lactaid milk its great, and for everything else, you take the L and deal with it.
Can you guys drink soy or almond milk
Yes we can, but soy and almond milk is nasty.
DC put me onto almond milk.

Almond milk is good.

Especially vanilla almond milk.
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Got a damn sweet tooth bout to fix myself a cup of chocolate ice cream with oreos n chocolate chip cookies in it to watch the TWD in a bit. That deabetusss :x
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