the thread about nothing...

I will re-read the whole article. I skimmed it then read most of the comments. It's actually more like 3.2 M I'm expecting to retire with at age 67. So the inflation thing is there but will not be as much of a concern

but what if coffee costs 100 dollars a cup and a toyota camry costs 250k? the compounding effects of inflation is very very serious. word to the people retired and complaining about things used to be 10 cents for a slice of pizza and what not.

That's true and that's why it is so important to start young so your money will have time to compound as well. I started when I was 19.

Interesting discussion you should make a thread about it.

compounded inflation> compounded savings especially when the interest rate is .1%
hey guys, moral diemma here. i asked my roommate to hold a $20 for lunch and to get smokes and he said he was broke. i went into the bathroom and there is 60 right there on the counter. he just left for class and won't be back for another 4 hours....should i just take a dub and replace it before he get back?
hey guys, moral diemma here. i asked my roommate to hold a $20 for lunch and to get smokes and he said he was broke. i went into the bathroom and there is 60 right there on the counter. he just left for class and won't be back for another 4 hours....should i just take a dub and replace it before he get back?
take it all and be like "dawg th0t u wuz br0k3?!!"

that dude just wants to be every gangster don't he?
Naw famb just a cool name
oh that's you..


the name just seems too busy and forced.
hey guys, moral diemma here. i asked my roommate to hold a $20 for lunch and to get smokes and he said he was broke. i went into the bathroom and there is 60 right there on the counter. he just left for class and won't be back for another 4 hours....should i just take a dub and replace it before he get back?
take it all and be like "dawg th0t u wuz br0k3?!!"
do it......

as a prank though......

unless he is serious about his stuff......

in that case don't do it........

fail reply........
are you serious??

isn't there a finance and stock thread somewhere..

delete all these multiquoted posts, its unnecessary im sure he knows you are replying to his statements.
i'm saying man..

all this economics talk and bowel movement talk is making the TAN not the place to be.

God forbid we try to have an intelligent conversation.
but when it goes in this long is it not supposed to be made in to a thread?
hey guys, moral diemma here. i asked my roommate to hold a $20 for lunch and to get smokes and he said he was broke. i went into the bathroom and there is 60 right there on the counter. he just left for class and won't be back for another 4 hours....should i just take a dub and replace it before he get back?
if you can replace it then why dont you use your own money?
Since we are on the topic of school.
My old wise Chinese Profesdor had to go teach a more advanced class so our professor got downgraded :[
This guy was a great professor he would tell us all his life stories and how to succeed in life.
Someone snatch and stole my iphone 5 while on the train
and forgot to get insurance on it.  So much L's tooken and the fact i forgot i had my blade on me when i could had just stab him before he got off train
On another note...I kinda don't find the jimmy rustling meme that funny...some are but its not hilarious...

*in b4 I get my Jimmys rustled*
Someone snatch and stole my iphone 5 while on the train :smh: and forgot to get insurance on it.  So much L's tooken and the fact i forgot i had my blade on me when i could had just stab him before he got off train :smh:

Someone snatched it out of your hand?
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