the thread about nothing...

does it take anybody else a while to get used to re-arranged furniture in the house?

i keep forgetting and bumping into ish......and not at a low speed.....fml
does it take anybody else a while to get used to re-arranged furniture in the house?

i keep forgetting and bumping into ish......and not at a low speed.....fml
maybe you no so smart as u sink!
she ran in to the sink?

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so i was just playin music on my phone (blackberry)

and the music was repeating like a scratched up Cd 

i can Also hear my auntie getn her cheeks clapd right next door to me

this is just terrible yo
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FIFA is gonna give me a heart attack some day

Hitting the post

Shanking a shot
I never use to rage playing video games until I started playing FIFA. 
Losing on tekken tag 2 rustles my jimmies.

I swear in FIFA they pass to completely random people sometimes

Hitting the post during an early celebration is the worst

pass to guy on right, end up passing to streaking defender who catches you out of position and proceeds to make a world class sprint when his speed is only 50, and he then proceeds to jig your whole squad when his dribbling is 60...he then runs for the side of the penalty box,proceeds to cross the ball to his teammate (a teammate whose heading is at 40) teammate heads the ball against your top class defenders...
oh **** illest I didn't know you had a link of your youtube. I remember watching your video in the apple store looooong ago haha. dope man completely forgot. subscribed
I've also never seen boyz n da hood and big lebowski. Seen parts of he got game but never the whole thing. I'm 24. Seen pulp fiction many times though.
i posted this in the get fit thread but,
I ****** UP TONIGHT.
I was on the treadmill warming up. Girl walks out of aerobics class. I'm starin dead at her. She waves, I wave back confused. She smiles. I then look behind me to see if I ****** up. She mouths something and moves her hand. I give her the WHAT'S GOING ON FACE. She says nevermind with her hands and walks out. hahahaha. :[ i think she knew me from videos, because i wasn't looking good enough to be holla'd at.

:lol: must be weird as hell getting celebrity type love. I think just a little where you can get noticed by just chicks and dudes dont care would be GOAT lifestyle

You make $ off those vids through ads or no? Ive probably used YouTube less than anyone else on here but have wondered before if vids you see on TV/news/Tosh.0 can make you $
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