the thread about nothing...

Had an interview for a well-known toy company on Friday.
I haven't told anyone really except my fiancé.
The amount of money could be life-changing.
I don't like thinking/talking about it because honestly, I'd be pretty upset if I don't get it.
My current job sucks and I'd be making almost twice as much at this new company.
I'm getting underpaid right now for the amount of work I do, I pretty much run a department on my own. I asked my boss for a raise but he's a jerk and is really cheap.
I need this job, guys, ****!
Think good thoughts for me, TAN bros.
You know on the iPhone when you double click the home button and that bar pops up? If I clear that bar does it make **** faster?
Had an interview for a well-known toy company on Friday.
I haven't told anyone really except my fiancé.
The amount of money could be life-changing.
I don't like thinking/talking about it because honestly, I'd be pretty upset if I don't get it.
My current job sucks and I'd be making almost twice as much at this new company.
I'm getting underpaid right now for the amount of work I do, I pretty much run a department on my own. I asked my boss for a raise but he's a jerk and is really cheap.
I need this job, guys, ****!
Think good thoughts for me, TAN bros.
You'll get it, bro. I have a good feeling 

At my work at the after school program, we got in trouble for giving a 'brand new Xbox' box that was just filled with candy. We almost got taken to court :lol: I think we made the kid do some food challenge for it too... Like mixing all different sorts of sauces, with random stuff like pickles and whatnot
should of never listen to iyen and watched claymore :smh:
i want to stick a very sharp sword in ophelia's ******g neck :smh: :smh:

yall nasty 0]
im so proud of my lil bro..he's 14 plays football and basketball for his high school

his freshman team played in a JV tournament..their record was 3-1

the coaches also picked out an mvp, they had to choose opposing teams players, they all chose my lil bro.

hes the complete opposite of what i was like which is awesome,

hes in all honors classes , and is dating my 7th grade pe teachers daughter..

my big bro wasnt around that much and when he was he would beat the crap out of me..hes been locked up in and out since the 7th grade..

im glad i got the chance to be a big brother and make a difference in someone elses life.
kids taking it for granted these days. If I had streaming when I was a kid....god help me.
word, i remember waiting 6 hours to download a 2 minute clip from winmx

 it would play for about 15 seconds then an ad would pop up for the remainder of the time telling you to join a site 
you can definitely make it to college, you're just going to have to make more of an effort than most other people to get there.
have you considered enrolling at CC and then transferring to a 4 year college? please don't give up on getting an education.
My best friend told me yesterday that his cancer may have relapsed in his lymph nodes and has to get a biopsy after the New Year. :smh:

does he live in the west coast?
Thinking you deleted everything, come to find out you didn't and ya moms somehow see's everything you where looking at so embarrassing , then from then on every time something is wrong with the computer u get blamed for it cause they assume you where looking at porn and got a virus 
I actually caught in the act once, by my grandma
. I begged her forever not to tell, I dont even think she knew what I was doing, then my mom came in and asked why I was hugging my grandma so hard and whanot and I had no answer. I'm sure there have been other times when it was obvious but that time was the full fledged "hes fapping" moment. My brother has caught me too, but who cares hes my age.
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