the thread about nothing...


Not on the internet, but it shouldnt be on here. The thread wouldnt go anywhere, theres like 4-5 women max that post, and the lurkers are just girlfriends trying to spy. Also, thats what Pinterest is for

Its okay I understand , I didnt want to do one anyways

IDC to be honest,go head make a fine dudes appreciation thread or something.
I seriously want to make it to 1,000 posts one day (dreamt about it last night) but, geeeeeez, half the time I seriously aint got **** to say......

And, the lurking continues.

At least this was +1 
getting a paid internship at an accounting spot. im not even in that major : another tool i can use towards my investment choices :smokin
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Would it be so terrible for me to start a tasteful attractive mens appreciation thread?

Sounds impossible :lol: I thought someone already started one though? I was looking on my phone a couple days ago and ran across some thread that seemed like that, don't remember the title, but the lulz made it seem like it was some "Men Appreciation Thread", but I never saw it again.

So...on FB there's something called 'Life Events', and apparently there's all these type of icons, and I saw one that said something like 'death in the family' or 'loss of life'. I don't have a problem with people mentioning someone in their family died, cause that may be a way to cope. But I would feel disgusted if someone in my family died, and on that day, a little icon in the top right corner said 'Death In Family' with a cross over it. I rarely get annoyed by FB, but that irked me something serious.
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andy how did you get that joint?

she just offered it to me cause she knew how i thought when it comes to the economy and stuff. shes trying to get me to become a full fledged accountant and im guessing shes gonna sponsor me with the tests needed to qualify for that.
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